Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 12, 2014

Just for Old Time's Sake

                                        A look at my sweet, sweet girl in 12 short months.

We just had our 1 year professional pictures done.  I'll post as soon as I get those!

11 Months and a Happy Birthday!

Let's start with 11 months.  Not too much happened.  I was busy party planning and Char was growing.  We headed to the beach in St. Augustine for the weekend with my mom and we had a lot of fun.  It was nice to have a little girl time.  Char and I also went to a couple of football practices to visit Daddy.  Char loves getting out there are playing with the footballs and seeing Scotty after practice.  It's a nice time for both of them.  Char's Granddaddy loves to see her out there as well.  He will come over and talk with her and give her rides on his golf cart.  It's a fun!  We also visited the zoo with some friends with one of our play groups.  Charlotte loves the fish the most.  : )

So 12 months.  Yep.  12 months.  1 year.  Unbelievable.  It seriously feels like yesterday that I had a newborn.  No sleep and a non-mobile baby seem like a distant memory but they also seem so new.  I have actually dealt with the big birthday better than I thought I would.  I think all the planning kind of masked the emotions.

We had a wonderful party!  We were able to have the party in one of the large rooms in the stadium.  It was so nice to have all that room for everyone to be able to play.  We had a ball pit for the little babies and some other activities for the older kids.  Charlotte did pretty well.  Especially since she didn't have a nap.  She had a little melt down before cake.  She did not like her birthday hat at all, but after she tasted the cake she was happier.  She received so many wonder gifts and it was nice to see many of our friends and family.  It reminded me a lot of a wedding though in the sense that you plan and plan and the whole thing is over in no time.  But I think that everyone had a good time.  I know that I did, but I have to say  - I'm relieved it is over   : )

On Char's actual birthday, Scotty and I had a cupcake with her in her room for breakfast while she opened a few presents.  Then Char and I went to Stroller Strides and celebrated and then to My Gym to play with more friends.  We later had Family Dinner with the Coaches' families and celebrated again.  Overall I think that Charlotte had an amazing first birthday.  Not that she will remember it but I hope the pictures and videos will do it justice. 

Scotty and I both wrote Charlotte a letter for her birthday.  I can't speak for Scotty, but I know that I was extremely emotional as I wrote the letter.  That has been the most emotional time for me through the birthday process.  I cried my eyes out writing to my daughter about her first year of life and just how much she means to me - as well as I could explain it in words.  That's really hard to do, if you didn't know.  I went back and forth about whether or not to share the letter on here and I decided that I would.  Even though it is a private and emotional letter, I want Charlotte to know how much I love her and that I am so proud of her that I wanted to share it with our friends and family.   So here it is:

September 3, 2014
My sweet Charlotte Mae,
You are one year old today!  Never has the saying "time flies when you are having fun" been more true!  You are such an incredible blessing to me and have taught me so many things in the last 12 months - well actually since you were in my belly!

In the time that I have known you, you have taught me:
1)      What worrying really is.  I worried about you as soon as I found out that I had a baby in my belly!  When I saw that pink line I started to worry about keeping you safe.  Then when your Daddy and I saw that little speck on the screen at the Dr.'s office I started to worry even more!  My eyes welled up with tears of joy and happiness to see your teeny, tiny little heart beating and I wanted to make sure that I did all that I could to keep you happy, healthy, and safe.  I hope that I was a comfy place for you to grow : )  I later realized that my "worry" is actually caring.  You taught me how to care.  I care about you so very much.  I care about you when you are sleeping, when you are eating, when you bump your head, and in everything else you do.  When you think that no one else cares, know that your Mama does : )
2)      You taught me how to laugh.  I mean really laugh.  When I was pregnant I would have these crazy laughing fits!  The silliest little thing would make me laugh so hard that I couldn't breathe.  Your Dad actually caught a few of these on video.  Both he and I were so happy that I was a laugher instead of a crier like many pregnant women are known for.  One of our friends told your Dad and I that since I laughed like that and had those fits that we would have a happy baby and man, he was right!  So many people throughout this year have commented on how happy you are!  I love to see your sweet smile and hear you laugh!  You make some of the silliest faces and noises and we have been lucky enough to catch some of those on video.  You have such an amazing personality, even at a young age!  You are charming, sweet, funny, and oh so adorable!   Your PawPaw always says that we can't take you anywhere because people always stop us wanting to talk to you and see you.  They say you are the prettiest baby they have ever seen and you give them that 100 watt smile!  I am so very proud and lucky to have you as my own!
3)      You taught me how to appreciate the little things.  I never knew that I could get so excited about things like you eating cereal for the first time, the first time you held a toy, 5 hours of straight sleep!, the first time you clapped, and signed "more", holding your bottle for the first time, and so many other things!  Things like that would make me so happy that I would have tears in my eyes!  You make me so very proud and one of the most rewarding things about being your mom is seeing you learn new things.  There is nothing like it.  Now you are learning to walk, you know the color blue, you can drink from a straw, and are learning new words.   I am so very blessed that I have had the opportunity to stay home with you and see you learn - it is one of the most rewarding things I have ever experienced.
4)      You taught me how to love.  Don't get me wrong, I love your Dad, but not in the way that I love you.  He would agree with me and say that we didn't know what love is until we had you.  I love every single thing about you and I loved it from the moment that I found out you were growing in my belly.  
I loved every single hiccup, sharp jab, foot in my rib cage, kick, and wiggle.  One of the best sounds that I have ever heard was the sound of your heartbeat for the first time.  I felt an unconditional love from that moment on.  When you arrived in the world there was no flaw about you.  You were and still are perfect to me.  Your sweet little hands and feet, the birthmark on your belly, your sweet little hair, and all your little teeth are nothing less than wonderful.  I watch you every day and love you a little more.  Some of the absolute best moments I have had have been rocking you to sleep in the middle night.  Squeezing you tight while you snuggle down on my chest is an indescribable feeling.  When you look to me for reassurance in new situations and when you call out "Mama" it makes me feel so special.  I cherished every single moment because I knew they would be gone before I knew it.  I hope that when you are a mommy that you remember to take in every single moment like that - believe me the first year goes by before you know it and you can't get those moments back.  I can't imagine my life without you and I am so proud to be Charlotte Mae's mom! 

I prayed every single night for a happy, healthy baby and I was blessed with just that.  I continue to pray for your health and happiness each night and I pray to be able to give you all you want and more.  You are the light of my life and an absolute blessing from God. 
"Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever." - Unknown.
I hope to hold your heart forever, and know that you will always hold mine. 

Happy First Birthday my sweet girl!

Love always,

So there's that.  Hope it's meaningful to her one day.  Anywho - Charlotte is starting to stand alone longer, has taken about 5 steps, she wipes her own mouth, she is giving hugs!, wearing actual hair clips, and playing peekaboo.  She will show you her tongue if you ask and lay her head down on you and say "Awwww."  She's the best.  

We are now in the process of getting rid of the paci - easier on her than me.  I need to just gather them up and have Scotty hide them.  She only has them in her bed, but we need to get rid of them now before it gets harder.  We also are in the weaning process. 

We made it a full year with no formula!  Woo!  Not that there is anything wrong with formula feeding -  I just set a goal and I reached that goal so that's the cause for celebration in that scenario.  And how do I get repaid for all that hard work you ask - Char refuses cow milk! I have tried many different things to help her adjust and its just not happening right now.  We are down to one nursing session a day and the rest of the day she usually will drink water.  I make her milk cup available but its just not her favorite.  We will keep working at it.  

The weaning process has been a lot harder on me than I expected.  Around 9 months I was so ready to be done but now that the time is here I am sad.  It's really odd though because I will go hours without nursing and it doesn't bother me but when I think about nursing Char for the last time I get really sad!  I am not sure what is so sad about it though.  Maybe that I don't have a "baby" anymore, that I won't be a nursing mom anymore, the pride I felt when I pumped 10 ounces in a sitting, or the thought that I may not nurse another baby and this is my last time having that closeness (which I hope is not true, but I'm not in charge of that kind of thing, I'm not sure what is in HIS plan for us). I have cried myself to sleep about it twice.  Ugh.  Its postpartum hormones all over again!  Well I am going on a baby free trip soon and that will be the end.  Emotional preparation has begun.  I will say that the freedom of only nursing once a day is amazing.  I never expected that to feel so good.  

In other news, Charlotte made her television debut in "The Believer."  It is a documentary that Kenny Chesney produced on Coach Spurrier.  It is a really amazing story.  Y'all should try and catch it on the SEC ESPN channel.  I think it has run on ESPNU as well.  That Char Baby gets some pretty good camera time.  Scotty does as well.  I, on the other hand, avoided the camera as much as I could.  I passed the baby off and headed the other direction.  It was awesome to be a part of such a cool project though.  Made me proud to be in the Spurrier bunch.  

So here ya go - pictures, pictures, and more pictures.  And videos.  1 year old.  Where does the time go?

11 Months!

I mean, is that face freaking cute or what?!

Char's BFF

Kisses for Hen


Zoo Trip

Carousel!  She hated it.

Has to have to blue one of everything!

Stroller Strides

Practice with Daddy

She covered herself up like this

Me and Kenny at the premier of "The Believer"

Snoozing on the floor in Granddaddy's office during a game

Having a snack with PawPaw


Birthday Invite

The Birthday Girl!

This is so funny!  Char and her friend, Clark

Playing with her birthday "toys"

Cupcakes for breakfast when it is your birthday!

This is blurry but still cute

12 Freaking Months Old. 

Holding up her 1 candle!

After Daddy told her not to bite it.

And again.  Ha!

Cupcakes to share with friends at Stroller Strides

My Gym on Char's Birthday

Char in her birthday hat at Family Dinner


Char in her backpack from her Aunt Amy

How I found Sophie one day.  Looks like she was DOA.  Ha!

Nothing better than giving a kiss to that sweet face

Mama and Charlie Mae

Peek a boo!

Ball pit at her party

Blurry also, but this picture makes me feel like a Mama : )

There's a smile!

Happy Birthday Charlotte!

Char in her new car!

Char and her PawPaw

and Mimi

Party Pictures!

Char checking out her new toys

She makes the craziest faces

Char and her great-grandmother

The older kids had playdoh, coloring, and checkers to play with while the little ones played in the ball pit. 

Baby Patrick enjoyed the stickers

Char and her great-aunt Steph
Stroller Strides on Char's Birthday

More cupcakes!

A little cow's milk to wash it down

                                                                   Drummer baby

 Doing flips at My Gym

                                                             Enjoying cake at her party

                                                         Opening presents on Char's birthday

                                                      Singing "Happy Birthday" Family Dinner

                                                                      Dancing Baby

                                                                Swinging at My Gym

Char on her motorcycle

                                                                   Char giving Henry a hug