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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Weeks 9 and 10

Well the past two weeks have been fun!  I love spending time with my Char Baby.  We hang out and play during the day.  We watch movies, have tummy time, sing, read, and nap. She is just so much more alert and interested in things.  It is wonderful.  She is such a blessing!

We went to the movies this week with my sisters-in-law and Charlotte had a blow out in the theater!  My sister-in-law was holding her and feeding her a bottle and when she sat Charlotte up to burp her, she felt wetness.  A big ole poop stain.  So she changed her into the extra set of clothes that I had and Char was all better.  She wanted to talk and play during some of the movie but for the most part she slept.  An interesting first experience for us both.   :  ) 

Charlotte has been losing interest in taking naps during the day.  She is going for longer periods without sleeping.  However, this can make her quite the fusspot.  She will be uncomfortable no matter where she is laying and she is squirmy and fussy.  But eventually she just tires out.  After 2 hours of the fussing and squirming.  So that is super fun.  She is still sleeping well at night and has really done well adjusting to sleeping in the pack and play.  She still really loves to be swaddled and knows that when the swaddle is on it is nighttime.  We are now slowly trying to break her from her swaddle.  If she starts to roll soon, she can't be swaddled anymore so we are trying to get her used to that.  I think when she can roll though and will be sleeping on her belly she will sleep a lot better.  I know I am going to freak when she is sleeping on her belly but I have read not to flip them every time they roll.  So that will be a huge adjustment as well.   I have started trying to get her to nap in her crib too. This is pretty new and is taking some patience but she will get it eventually   :  )

Charlotte is her father's child and loves to watch sports.  She loves to watch football.  I don't know if it is the colors or movement or what but she will sit and watch it and coo at the TV.  It is pretty funny.

Charlotte met some of our college friends this past weekend.  We met a few after the Florida game and one came over before the game to meet the Char baby.  She is always a hit  : )  I always forget to take pictures of her meeting new people.  I am trying to do better.

My mom comes this Friday to stay for the week.  I am so excited.  I am asking for one night of sleep.  I have plenty of milk saved for mom to use and I am going to ask her to just let me sleep.  Just one night.  That is all I need.  Like I said, Charlotte does great through the night but she still will make some noises or I will wake up just to check on her when she is sound asleep and after her 5am wake up sometimes she can be noisy.  So just one night of uninterrupted sleep will be wonderful.  I am not even going to wake up at 5am to pump - hopefully.  I figure one night won't hurt my supply.

Sleep is interesting to me.  When Charlotte was first born and was waking every two hours to eat it was easier for me to wake then it is now.  Because she sleeps for hours, I wake to check on her because I am panicked something will happen to her.  When she was waking so often I knew she was ok.  Then, like I said sometimes she will struggle and grunt and squirm between 5 and 9am and it can be harder to get her to go back to sleep.  Sometimes she is just up and wants to talk and smile.  Def not happening at 5 am.  The newborn period was so much easier because she just drifted right back to sleep SO easily.  I knew that this time would come when she would require more help to sleep and it is now here.  

I went and got my hair done and left Charlotte with a friend of mine on Friday.  It was so nice to have those 4 hours to myself.  I never thought I would say that.  I LOVE Charlotte with all of my heart but sometimes you just need a break.  I didn't understand that when moms would tell me that when I was pregnant, but I do now.  Charlotte was quite fussy that day.  She was so tired and was refusing to sleep.  I was just as frustrated as she was.  I just kept trying to tell myself to relax and that she would eventually fall asleep but after over 2 hours of fussing it just wears on you.  I started to cry right along with her.  It is like the lack of a full nights sleep for me, the fussiness from her, and the feeling you get that you just want to make it better for the baby and don't know how had all caught up with me.  About 10 minutes later she did fall asleep and she was really good when I dropped her off that night.  I would much rather her be tough for me than when she is a visitor somewhere else so I was very proud of her for that.  But the point of this story is that motherhood is not easy.  Any mom who acts like everything is honky dory and easy all the time is LYING!  Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade one minute with Charlotte for anything else but if there is a day where I find myself crying in the closet, I'm not going to feel bad about it, think that I am a bad mom, or think that I am going crazy.  Just saying.  And I know that there are plenty more hard times coming my way but I am ready to take on anything for my girl. 

Well I am looking forward to 11 weeks!  I will be headed back to work soon so I am taking in every minute that I can.  Thanksgiving is coming up as well and it will be fun to celebrate Char's first Turkey Day!  Here are lots of pictures.  Enjoy!

Go Gamecocks!  Beat Mississippi State!

The closest that men come to understanding pregnancy.

The 2 month old!

She's in love with that tongue.

9 Weeks!
Big girl holding her rattle

Tummy time!

10 Weeks!

Mommy's girl!

Daddy being silly!

Bath time!

Snoozing on the couch in Granddaddy's office during the Florida game

Watching the game on TV!

Carolina Girl!

The big girl napping in her crib.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Week 8

 This week was Charlotte's first Halloween!  So fun!  She wore her very cute tutu that my mom made to the Coaches' family dinner and her other outfit to the Sheriff's birthday party at work.  She was a hit at both places!  How could she not be?   :  )  We had lots of trick or treaters, which was new for us since we did not get many at our old house.  We got one group.  It was 3 kids of different ages, and what I remember was a little one using a backpack as a candy bag and a 17 year old using a black plastic bag - ya know - like the ones you get from the liquor store.  Super.  So both Scotty and I were excited to have more groups.  Made us feel like grown ups :  )  However, the first people that came, came early and Scotty wasn't home yet, and they rang the bell 3 times but I was elbow deep in a diaper and couldn't get to the door so I hurried with the diaper and didn't even snap Charlotte's onesie and I grabbed her up and ran barefoot down the street with my pumpkin dish full of candy to catch them.  They appreciated it. 

Well this past weekend was my first trip away.  I flew with the team to Missouri for the football game.  My mom came down for the weekend and stayed with Charlotte.  I have been pumping since about 3 weeks after Charlotte was born so I had a stash built up for mom to use.  And she and Charlotte for sure used it.  They drained it in fact.  But I pumped the whole time I was gone and I have pretty much rebuilt the stash and more.  However, I was almost in a really bad spot.

So I was kinda freaking out about leaving.  I knew Charlotte was in great hands, but I was still just nervous to leave my baby for the first time!  So I was packing and trying to make sure I was prepared for the weather, and that I had everything I needed.  Well I spent a while making sure I had my pumping supplies ready and making sure I had a refrigerator and plan of where and when to pump while at the game and all that jazz.  I finally make it to Missouri and we get on the buses to head to the hotel and I get a text from my mom asking if I had a second set of tubing for my breast pump.  Oh crap.  In all my OCDness to get ready, I cleaned the tubing (which doesn't really ever have to be done) and I left them hanging up to dry.  At home.  In South Carolina.  I was in panic mode.  Luckilly, one of the other wives there told me to call the hospital (which I would have never thought of) and they had the tubing!  Yay!  So we took a cab over and got those tubes and I was A-OK.  Thank the Lord.

Well Charlotte is still just growing and developing more and more everyday.  I can't believe it.  She gets more vocal, she can focus more on things, and she is still just the most lovable baby.  She is so good when we have company or when we are out.  I really hope it stays that way.

Another thing that I have noticed about her, since she has been smiling so much more, is that she smiles with her eyes.  It is the sweetest little thing.  It melts my heart because when she smiles she is so genuinely happy.  It makes me feel so good  :  )  Speaking of her eyes, - they are lightening.  They are looking more blue.  I am hoping that they do not stay blue. Neither Scotty or I have blue eyes and I would like for her to get one of our colors, but if they stay blue - who doesn't love blue eyes and her most likely dark brown hair? 

She is officially sleeping through the night.  She sleeps 10:30pm-6 or 7am and will go back to sleep until 8:30am or so.  Awesome!  Loving it.  We shall see if she keeps it up after I move her out of the rock and play and into the flat pack and play.  Scotty and I both keep putting that transition off.  Selfish Mama and Daddy. 

Well we are headed to the game tomorrow since it is a home game this week.  I'll try and get a good picture of Charlotte in her Carolina garb!  Until next time - enjoy some pics!

Look at that lip!  She will have her daddy wrapped around her finger!

Big girl in her Bumbo!

Whole bed to herself!

Watching Baby Einstein

Our pumpkin!

Happy Halloween!

Happy baby!

Pure sweetness.
Scotty and I on the Missouri field after the big win!