Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Way behind! Weeks 13-18

Charlotte and her Mimi and Paw Paw on Christmas!

3 months old!

Char and Daddy!

Full of smiles!

   Too bright in here Mom!

Watching some apps!

15 weeks and loves her Dad!

Snoozing away!

Mama and Char!

Snuggling close in the Bjorn!

Char and her Paw Paw!

Santa's helper!

Opening one gift on Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas!

With Cass dog!

Charlotte's gift to her Dad!

Opening presents at our house

Well she's not sleepy at all...

Char and Granddaddy!

Beach bum!

Mom status. 

Pool time!

Excited about something!

Snoozing in her new sleepwear. It's not going well.....

Char and her boots!

Forward facing!

Snuggling with Sophie!

Char, Mom, and Mimi!

Football tutu!

Capital One Bowl citrus parade float. That's all fruit on there besides the signs. 

We win!

Our sign that was on our porch from our great neighbors when we got home from the bowl!

Mickey ears!

4 months old and cuter than ever!

Trying out the Johnny Jump Up

Testing out the new walker

Sitting in her high chair we are hoping to use this month!

New exersaucer!

She loves looking at herself in the mirror!

Learning to feed herself!  Goodness, she is growing so fast!! 

She loves to play in the bath and kick!

Wearing her Christmas gift onesie from Daddy!

Trying to sit up!  Doing well with it too!

I know!  -  I am so behind on my blogging!  Life has been pretty busy these last couple of weeks!  My not so little baby flew 4 times in 2 weeks!  What a world traveler she is becoming! She did absolutely amazing on every single flight too!  I was so proud of her!  I know the hard days of flying are coming so I will relish in her good behavior now : ) 

So - we went to VA for Christmas and spent time with my family there and opened all of our wonderful gifts.  Charlotte is a spoiled girl  : ) then we flew back to SC and then on to Orlando for the bowl game and spent a week there.  We had a wonderful time.  Scotty and I got a night or two to ourselves and I got a massage and Mimi got to spend so much one on one time with Char which makes them both happy! Charlotte got to enjoy Disney and the pool for the first time!  As much as a 4 month old can I guess - but Scotty and Mimi and I enjoyed it for her! We then returned with a big fat win, which makes the whole trip!  After we returned home to SC we had Christmas at our home and then with Scotty's parents and once again we all got spoiled!  I keep telling everyone that I got my present early this year (September to be exact!) but I am so grateful for everything.  My parents bought me a beautiful sapphire ring (Charlotte's birthstone) and Scotty bought Charlotte and I a joint gift.  It is a gorgeous sapphire necklace.  He gave it to me to wear now and said for me to decide the right time to pass it down to Charlotte.  What a wonderful heirloom.  Maybe she will have a daughter that she can pass it on to.  

Charlotte is growing right before my eyes.  It started with all the "talking", then we had to move the Bjorn down a notch because she is so long, now she is playing with toys.  She loves to play.  She is such a good reacher and grabber!  She has amazing hand-eye coordination too!  She has gotten so much bigger (longer and chunkier) and I love it so much!  She is smiling all the time now as well and we have even managed to hear a few giggles (I posted the video link below).   

On our bowl trip we discovered that Charlotte is getting a tooth.  It is an upper one, which is interesting because I thought that bottoms usually come in first.  She was very fussy one day and her poopy was more watery than normal and she was just chewing and chewing so I felt around in her mouth and felt a little nub and when I rubbed on there her whole body changed.  She just relaxed and let out a sigh of relief.  So we went to the CVS and got her some numbing cream for her teeth and I gave her some Tylenol and she was much better. 

I am trying to break her from sleeping in her swaddle and it still is not going very well.  We got a Zipadee Zip and she still is not comfortable in it.  She still has not mastered rolling over yet so we still have a little time, so for all of our sakes she is still sleeping in her swaddle - but has moved up to the next size in it!  She has been sleeping in her crib and she is doing really well with it.  I think that we all sleep better in our separate rooms.  She has been a little inconsistent with her sleeping recently.  Most nights she will go down between 8:45pm and 9pm and will sleep until 2am or 3am.  She will then eat and go right back to sleep until 7am or later.  Other nights she will go down at the same time, then wake up at 2am or 3am and then will be up every 2 hours until 8:30am or so.  When we were visiting my parents in VA, Charlotte had a growth spurt and was up every hour and she wanted to eat every time.  Yowza.  We were all tired those 2 nights.  Last night though, she slept for a solid 8 hours in her crib (8:45pm-4:45am!  Woo!  Good for her!  That is the longest that she has gone!), she ate and went right back to sleep then was up at 6:45am, and again at 7:30am but napped after that and she is currently napping now (10:15am).  Her naps have gotten shorter and she doesn't nap as often, but those little 30 minute naps still get the job done.  Shes quite happy when she wakes up.  I can't complain, I think that she is doing pretty well. 

We go to the doctor next week for the 4 month check up!  She will get another set of shots which is very sad but worth it!  I am excited because I always like to see how much she has grown.  Also I am hoping that the doctor will give us the green light on starting cereal.  Can you believe it?! Cereal for my little baby!  One step closer to real food!  Where does the time go?  Maybe the cereal will get both of us some more of those 8 hour stretches  : )

Charlotte is also very much in love with her hands and toes.  They are just the greatest and she loves to show them off.  So very cute!  She is just an amazing little person, there is something so charming about her.  People stop us on the street. grocery store, everywhere and want to look at her and she gives them that 100 watt smile and they just melt!  She turns heads where ever we go.  People who are around us often tell me how good of a baby she is.  They say that she is happy, calm, content, peaceful, and I could not be more grateful that she is that way.  I am so blessed by her.  It really is true that you don't know love until you have a child.  There are things that she does and they just melt my heart.  I love her little hands when she reaches up and touches my face, she is starting to put her arms around my neck,  she will grab my face and suck on it (I call them her Mama kisses), she beams at me when I go in and get her in the mornings, and the face that she makes when she is done nursing in the middle of the night and has fallen asleep is the most beautiful thing in the world.  I hate that I have to kiss her and put her down and that I can't just rock the rest of the night.  

I don't want to wish her little life away, but I am so excited for all the wonderful milestones that we have coming up!  She is so smart already and I can't wait to watch her learn more things everyday!  Until next time - enjoy a video of a giggling baby!