Well Charlotte's 9th month is over and we have moved on to 10 months! Wow! Here is what has been going on in the last month:
Charlotte can now crawl like a maniac, she can pull up on anything, she is cruising along the side of the couch, she is walking behind her walking toy, and is overall quite active and busy. She very rarely is sitting still. She is so smart and funny and has such a personality.
She finished her swimming lessons at the end of June and she did amazing! The instructor put her through a series of tests for her to pass and she passed them all! She tipped her off of a float (video below), acted like she fell off the side of the pool and step, and she even place a heavy wet towel over Charlotte's face (to imitate falling under a pool covering, etc) after she rolled over and Charlotte immediately reached up and threw the towel off her face!! It was so amazing! We have been practicing her swimming once a week and she's doing great!
Char can now wave bye and she will say "bye" (with a Southern twang I might add). A few days ago Scotty was holding her and she looked at me, waved, and said "bye bye Mama." I don't know where she thought I was going but it was the cutest thing in the world! She will also now clap when you say "patty cake" and she will hold her toy phone up to her ear. I am sure all of these things are trivial but they are big news to her Daddy and I.
I took Charlotte for her 9 month check up. She is now 16.4lbs and 27.5 inches long. She is only in the 7th percentile for weight and around 20 for her height. The doctor said that she was not worried about it at all and that Charlotte is growing just fine and that she is just a petite baby. She said that breastfed babies tend to grow slower during the second half of their first year. Yes we are still breastfeeding and boy am I ready to be done. Still pushing for a year though.
At 9 months they check iron levels. So Char had to have a finger prick. She did great. I fainted. Twice. Mom of the year right here. Oh well. As long as she is happy and healthy that's all that matters.
We went to the grocery store today. As I made it to the baby aisle, Charlotte perked up. I started putting items for her in the buggy and she knew they were for her! She turned around and started reaching for her stuff. She got a hold of her baby Cheetos and held them out to me and grunted at me. I opened them and she was happy as a clam! I sat them next to her and she would reach in the container and pull them out and feed herself while I finished shopping. She absolutely amazes me.
We went to Florida to the beach for the 4th of July. Charlotte had a wonderful time playing with all her cousins and making new friends. She swam in the pool and played in the ocean with her Daddy. She LOVED the ocean (videos below)! I am very happy that she likes the water. Plus all the water play and cousin time made for a very sleepy baby. She took 4 hour naps each day and slept in until after 8am everyday. It was awesome!
Well until next time, here are lots of pictures and videos!
My darling girl : )
Playing at My Gym
Bad hair day
Charlie Mae and Mimi on the boat!
I was in the kitchen and all I hear is "Mama! Mama!" and this is what I found. She continued to lay there and pull toys out.
In the toy box!
Playing with Aunt Amy at dinner
Happy 1st Father's Day to Scotty!
A little light reading for the day
Playing with friends at Stroller Strides
This is what I find when I go in her room in the mornings now : )
A sweaty Mama and happy Char after Stroller Strides
Charlotte playing with her friend, Quinn
Tea Party!
Char giving Quinn love taps
A little parallel play
The outfit for the tea party
We have a ball pit at home now! Yes, we are getting more balls.
Trapped in the pack and play while Mom and Dad were busy
The aftermath of previous picture
New friends Char made at the beach
Playing with cousins during the slideshow
Charlotte and cousin Lauren
Charlotte playing airplane with cousin Gavin
The First Annual Spurrier games on the beach were held this July 4th.
We wore bandanas to designate our teams. Here is Char representing.
Yes, she sat just like that for the hour that we played games. Just
happy to watch and be a part of everything. : )
Happy 4th of July on the beach!
4th of July baby!
Glad to be home after our 5 hour road trip that turned into 7.5 hours! She was amazing on the way there! She did not fuss one time! She played and slept! On the way back at hour 6 she wasn't so happy but still was better than most babies would be I imagine.
9 months!
The latest fashion
I created this announcement to send to the White House and to Walt Disney World. Char will get a letter back from the President and First Lady and Mickey and Minnie : )