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Monday, June 17, 2013

27 Weeks: Glucose Test Week...

Scotty and I had our 27/28 week check up yesterday (6/12).  My blood pressure was good at 122/80 and baby girl's heart rate was in the 150s so the doctor was please with us both.  We saw Dr. Morton this week.  She was a nice lady.  Scotty and I both agreed that all the people that we have seen so far have been very nice and we would feel comfortable with any of them delivering our girl. She said that my belly is measuring perfect and that we both are looking good!  She also checked my cervix and said that it was closed like it should be.  She said that my weight is on track - I will share..... I have put on 18 pounds.  They said they tell moms to expect to put on 30 and I am already almost 2 months past the half way point of my pregnancy.  They weren't concerned with my weight at all so that was a relief.  They said to expect to put on fast weight near the end though and to be prepared for that.  But she said that is all baby and fluid at that point but to expect 2-3 pound weekly gains. 

So for the important part - glucose testing.  I have been freaking out about this dang test.  Ask anyone at work, my parents or my husband and they will tell you that I have been a nightmare to deal with about this.  I went in and I drank the stuff on an over 12 hour empty stomach.  The drink has 50 grams of sugar in it.  I wanted to know what that was like eating.  A banana has about 14 grams, a regular snickers has about 30 grams, and whole bag of skittles has about 47 grams (for a perspective) which doesn't sound like a lot but doing it on a very empty stomach is good for no one. I was guzzling the drink to get it down and over with so that the hour wait countdown could start.  The nurses were laughing at me guzzling it down and saying they knew what I did in college and that I always won!  HA!  Oh well, I knew I learned something beneficial in college.  I had 4 minutes to get that stuff down but probably did it in less than one. 

So Scotty and I then waited in the waiting room for a while and then we went in to see the doctor and about that time the hour was up and it was time for the blood draw.  I will say that after I drank the sugar drink within 15 minutes Charlotte was going crazy!  The doctor was trying to listen to her heartbeat with the Doppler and she was moving around and the doctor was chasing her.  I felt not so good.  It was really weird.  I felt jittery and fidgety but at the same time I wanted to just lay down and close my eyes. 

Anyway, I had my blood drawn and found out that it would be a few days before I got the results.  Talk about a buzz kill.  I was really wanting those results and thought I would get them that day.  Well after the blood draw, I asked for some crackers and a soda because I just felt like crap.  The nurse said that my blood sugar probably went sky high then dropped way low, which is kind of what they expect and that most of the time when that happens the person's blood sugar is in the 70s or 80s.  This was a comfort to me because I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing that I was feeling so bad.  After I gathered myself, Scotty and I checked out and paid for our 3d/4d ultrasound next week (YAY!) and headed out.  I still was feeling awful but I got some lunch and headed to work.  I stayed for a few hours and then I headed home.  I still felt so bad.  I went home and slept and felt better after I woke up.  But the nurse called today and I PASSED!  WOOO!  She said that my blood sugar was 73 (cut off was 130).  Praise the Lord!  I have been more worried about this test than I am about giving birth!  I am so relieved!  She said my hemoglobin is a little low but not low enough to treat with an added iron supplement.  She said to make sure I stay on top of my prenatal vitamins and that was all!  Yes!!

So now that is over with and I am a very happy Mama!  Charlotte's baby furniture is supposed to be delivered today!  Yay!  I am so excited to finally have something in her room.  The company that is making her bedding sent me swatches of the fabric to approve and I let them know they look great and they will now start making it.  I bought the curtains for her room this week and I also bought her diaper bag.  I wanted to have it when I go to VA at the end of the month so that my Mom can take it to be embroidered with Charlotte's monogram. Things are coming together! 

One of my sisters-in-law is a pediatric nurse practitioner and she recommended a pediatrician to us and I called and they are willing to take Charlotte on as a new patient so that is crossed off the list as well.  I learned that they will come and visit her at the hospital and check her out so that is pretty cool. 

Scotty had his first Father's to be day this weekend.  I had big plans for him but he had football camp with little kids all weekend and stayed in the dorm with them for 2 nights so he was exhausted when he got home.  So we went to eat at a restaurant we have been wanting to try for a while then he napped and I later fixed him dinner, gave him a cupcake, and some boiled peanuts.  I guess he was pleased with that. 

Well tomorrow is the 3d/4d ultrasound!  It is also the beginning of my 28th week of pregnancy!  I will be 7 months pregnant and entering my last and final trimester.  WOW!  Where has the time gone!  Our little princess will be here before we know it!  I just can't believe that next week is 28 weeks and two very short weeks after that I will begin my 30th week and it is all downhill from there!  I have been trying to do things that I know that I will not be able to do for a while (or ever again) after she gets here - like - nap, watch a movie uninterrupted, read books, head to the grocery store for a quick trip with out 17 bags of toys and bottles/a child in tow, sit with my husband on the couch and enjoy having him all to myself and having all his attention, enjoying the general cleanliness/tidiness of my house, as well as uninterrupted sleep (well for the most part - that is slowly drifting away from me now) and my generally high energy level.  I know that she will be so worth it and that none of those things will matter once she gets here but it is sad to think about leaving some of them behind, especially the part where it will no longer be Jen and Scotty anymore.  It will be Jen, Scotty, and Charlotte from now on - but I mean how freaking cool is that!  We will have made a person and brought her into this world and we get to keep her!  Plus, Scotty and I have had almost 10 years just J and S, it is about time to add someone else to the mix.  : )

Scotty and I get more and more excited everyday.  One of us says everyday that we are ready for her to get here so that we can snuggle her.  I know that our lives are about to change in a way that neither one of us can imagine but we are both so excited and are as prepared as we are ever going to be.  There is going to be a lot of learning involved and patience needed by the both of us but this little girl will be the biggest and most important blessing in our lives thus far.  She is so loved already!

Here is this week's photo.  I forgot to take an up-close picture of the sign.

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