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Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Many Adventures of Charlotte - the second half of 6 months!

Well, this little cutie has had a busy month!  We headed to the beach in Florida to visit with Scotty's parents.  Charlotte was excited to touch the sand but not the water.  It was still quite cold.  Hopefully she will enjoy the water a little more next time.  I also tried her feet in the grass recently and she does not like that at all!

We headed to the zoo this month too!  Charlotte really enjoyed looking at all the fish with Scotty.  She also loved this monkey that was swinging on a vine.  We all had a really good time!  Who doesn't love the zoo?

Charlotte got her fist cold this past month.  I am so upset to say that I gave it to her.  :  (   As much as I worry about others getting her sick, I was the one to give her a cold.  I thought it was my allergies but apparently it was something more.  She ended up with just a runny nose but she was pretty congested.  I had to use the nose aspirator a lot and she doesn't like it at all.  I thought it would have felt great!  I wish they would make one for adults!  She had the runny nose for about a week and a half.  Luckily we had her 6 month check up that week and the doctor looked her over and said Char looked fine.  This checkup she weighed 15 pounds and is 25.5 inches long!  She is a growing girl!  The doctor said that Charlotte is petite.  But that is not surprising - look at who her parents are.  I have started giving her water and juice everyday and she is doing well with her sippy cup.  The doctor said to start phasing out the bottle and only use the cup. We got the OK to start some other foods.  There are only a few things that are off limits still like cow  milk, honey , nuts, etc.  Doc said that we can try pretty much anything as long as it is smushed up enough that Charlotte won't choke on it.  We have tried blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, avocado, and maybe a few other things.  We have tried those things in puree form.  We also tried avocado and banana in her netted feeder thing and she really liked that. We tried a mum-mum bar last night (video below) and Charlotte seems to enjoy those.  She is just now starting to try and pick things up off of her tray and feed herself.  It is really cool to watch her learn. 

Speaking of learning, I am trying to teach her sign language.  We sign milk, more, all done, and please.  We are working on it.....  She still hasn't mastered crawling yet either.  She isn't pushing up on to her knees.  She gets really close to army crawling but hasn't really done that either.  She sits on her bottom and rocks but hasn't taken off yet.  I am thinking by the end of this month she may start.  Not sure if I am ready for her to start crawling or not.  She is going to be hard to keep up with.

Charlotte has had some SERIOUS hair growth this month!  I can't believe it!  It sticks up and pokes out around the back of her head.  That is most definitely a trait she got from her daddy!  I had no hair and I am so excited that Char's is growing.

So, I mentioned before that I have an app on my phone that I can read threads and questions that other mom's have.  On there I saw a mom mention something about Stroller Strides.  So I googled that and found that it is an exercise class for moms and babies.  I looked and found a class here in Columbia.  So Charlotte and I tried out a class and we LOVE it!  It is a great workout, you meet and hang out with other moms and babies and we have a play group and make crafts after some of the workouts.  I absolutely love it and I am so glad I found the class.  We workout inside on days that we have bad weather and on nice days we workout by a lake (pics below).  I am going to take my mom with me when she is here is a few weeks.  Hope she is ready  :  )

Charlotte and I headed to VA this past week to visit my parents and our friends and family there.  It was a lot of fun.  It is always so busy when we are there but we had a good time.  Charlotte gets even more spoiled and so do I.  Charlotte was really good on the plane both there and back.  She slept most of the time and when she was awake she played quietly.  I really hope that keeps up.  

She was really clingy to me while we were there.  That was the first time that I had experienced her getting really upset when I was out of sight or her looking for me.  It was sweet but scary at the same time.  I don't want her to only want to be around me.  We are going to have to work on that.  On that same note - I needed some mom time this month.  I woke up one Sunday morning and I told Scotty I needed a break.  So I got myself dressed and I went to the movies.  By myself.  It was awesome.  I had two whole hours that I just sat and watched a movie.  That was all the time I needed.  After the movie was over I was very happy to head back home to my family.  Sometimes you just need a minute.  Or 120.  Thankful my husband could handle things for me to take that time for myself.  He even came up with the idea of a movie   :  )

Well here are a bunch of pictures from the last few weeks.  My mom has a few more from out visit that I will post when she sends them to me.  Until next time.....

Being a snuggle bug since she didn't feel well

Jogging suit


At the zoo!

At the beach!

First time with toes in the sand!

Enjoying the beach with Daddy and Granddaddy

Cold water!

Footprint in the sand!

Still not feeling the greatest

Petting Henry

Swinging at My Gym

Getting ready for 6 month shots

Char and her bandaids  :  (

Didn't last long  : ) and yes that is a third tooth.  She has 2 more coming in on top!

Sitting in a high chair at a restaurant

Mouth open snoozing!

Hanging at football practice

Will she grow up to be a coach?  Maybe!

Standing on her own

Crawling position!

Char and Daddy on his birthday

The most beautiful little person

Our first attempt with fingerpaint for Daddy's birthday gift

Final result!

Indoors for Stroller Strides

Landing in VA

Surrounded by her toys at Mimi and PawPaw's house

Mimi spoiling Char and letting her have some water from the bottle!

Headed back to SC

Outdoors for Stroller Strides.  Too bad you can't see the cloud of pollen that was all around us.

Char hanging with baby Quinn  : )
Char's craft from play group after Stroller Strides

My store bought looking muffins.  Made those babies from scratch and they are healthy!

Playing at Mimi and PawPaw's

I think this is freaking adorable

Excited about something

With Great Aunt Stephie

4 Generations

With Great Aunt Missy and Emily

4 generations on the other side

With Great Grandma Ann and Granddaddy Sam

With Great Uncle Marty

7 months old!!!

Brushing Teeth!

Tummy time with Dad

Flying at My Gym


More raspberries!

Trying a Mum-Mum!

1 comment:

  1. Jen she is so adorable!! I gave Annabelle my cold about 3 weeks ago and felt horrible about it! I love seeing what all Charlotte does since she's a few months ahead of Annabelle and I can see what all I have to look forward too. At the same time I hate how they grow SO fast!
