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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

20 Weeks: It's a Girl!

Well, looks like my mother's intuition kicked in early!  I told y'all I thought it was a girl from week 8 and I was right!  We are so excited and so very blessed that Charlotte Mae Spurrier will be joining us in September!  Scotty and I get more and more excited as time passes and it is so nice to not call her an "it" anymore.  We also have a hard time wrapping our minds around the fact that we are halfway through this pregnancy!  Little girl will be here so soon! 
So first - the doctor.  We went on April 24th.  We had the ultrasound first and Charlotte was not cooperating.  The ultrasound person was having a hard time getting measurements of the things the doctor needed but eventually she got them all.  I was getting kind of panicked when she couldn't get a clear shot of her private area.  I was thinking "Come on Baby we have 40 people coming over on Sunday, we need you to cooperate!"  But eventually she did.  I asked the ultrasound lady how sure she was and she said, "I don't print pictures of things I'm not pretty sure about."  So that was reassuring.  
It was a little difficult because Scotty and I did not find out at the doctor.  So we were watching the other parts of the ultrasound being done and the lady would tell us to close our eyes so that we did not see anything important.  She was kind enough to put our onesie in the box with the pictures of her privates and we opened those when we got home.  Our doctor made sure not to find out since we saw her after the ultrasound.  She said she did not want to know and spill the beans.
Some of the things that we did get to see in the ultrasound were Baby's upper lip, kidneys, bladder, bent up legs, hands and fingers, eye sockets, nose profile, brain, and spine.  We also got to see the diaphragm.  My sweet Scotty after the appointment told me that when the lady was typing diaphragm on the screen that he was thinking,"diaphragm - isn't that something that girls have?"  HA!  I almost died laughing.  I told him everyone has one of those.  The "women only kind of diaphragm" comes later in life... 
It is pretty neat because baby is now so big that she can't be measured from head to toe since she is so crunched in there. 
Anywho, the doctor said that everything looks great!  Baby Charlotte, at that time, was actually measuring 3 days ahead of schedule at 20 weeks 4 days.  She is about 12 ounces, so almost a pound, and everything they measure/look at was on track and normal.  Praise the Lord!  Such a relief to hear that!  My blood pressure was good and my weight is on track, although I am starting to gain weekly now.  Yikes!  Her heartrate was 149 which is high and normal.  Normal is 120-160 at this stage.  Her little head is down low and her behind is right under my belly button (which is why the ultrasound lady had such a hard time checking gender). 
After the doctor, Scotty and I went to a child care facility that we are considering.  It is a church based center very close to our house.  It was a cool place.  Lots of sweet babies.  The front door is secured, you have to fingerprint yourself in where the kids are, there are only 10 kids to a class, they have an after school program as your child moves up the chain, they have one teacher who "moves" with 5 kids at a time from one classsroom stage to the next, they teach them things starting at 2-3 years.  They are very strict on who they hire and those that run the place are very experienced in child care.  Overall we were very pleased.  But it was so hard to walk around there and listen to what they were saying when that box with the pink or blue onesie was sitting in my car begging me to open it! 
We then went home and videoed ourselves opening the onesie box.  We were both so excited and happy!  It was such a cool feeling to finally know that we have a daughter on the way! I am working on getting that video and the pictures on here.  I am also working on getting the ultrasound DVD on here as well.  I am technology challenged so it may be a while. 
Mom, Dad, and Steph came down on Friday and we worked on getting things ready around the house.  Then Saturday, Mom, Steph, and I bought all the food and cleaned up around the house.  It was nice to see the house so clean.  Mom and dad brought a stethoscope with them and were listening to my belly.  I would tell them when she would start to move a lot and the would listen.  They said it sounded like a faint knock.  It was neat.  I was glad that they could share in this too.  It was really hard not to slip up and tell my family that we were having a girl.  Scotty and I knew for 4 days what we were having and we could not tell anyone.  I think we did pretty good.  People tried to trick us but it didn't work.
Scotty and I went to a baby class that the hospital puts on for free.  It was explaining what to expect right after delivery as well as for the first 6 weeks at home.  We learned things like how to cut/file the baby's nails, what temperature the baby's room should be at, how to take care of your lady parts when you go home, the bleeding that you can expect, and other fun things that I don't like to think about yet.  Overall, I think that Scotty and I both learned a lot.  I am thankful that he went with me - I think there are a lot of husbands out there that wouldn't.  He was just as interested and paying as much attention as I was.  I also think it was important because the nurse kept reiterating how important it was for mamas to be off their feet for the first week or so and how important it is for husbands to be mentally supportive during the first few weeks after birth.  She tried explaining how men would never understand what women's bodies and minds go through during pregnancy and birth.  She said "don't come home and ask what is for dinner - just make it."  Amen.  I think it is important for them to hear from someone else. 
So - I will work on uploading the videos.  Until then, enjoy the pictures!
Weekly picture

Dad poking his belly out.  He though Baby S would be a boy.

Side views of the growing belly.

Here are some pictures from the party!
We took the same picture in the frame later with the correct gender shoes.  But we used this one for the party.

OLd WIves Tales to help peole decide how they would "vote."  The winner got a Her"she"y bar.

Food table - it was some of the things that I have craved throughout my pregnancy.

Our first pctures of our baby boo.

Petit fours


Liz and I.  She is the one who draws on the chalkboard every week.

Dad and I

Mom and I

Aunt Steph got to make the trip.  I was excited!

Scotty's Parents

My Parents

The big reveal!

Passing out cake

Scotty looking at his baby mama lovingly  : )

It's a girl!

Her first pair of shoes  : )

Charlotte Mae is on the way!

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