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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Videos and Pictures

I figured out how to post videos!  Good for me.  So here are a few.

This is a video of a laughing fit that I was having over the weekend while mom was here.  It is a loop so it keeps going over and over.  That Scotty filmed me and posted it to his friends. How sweet.

Here is the video that Scotty and I took of us opening the box that had our gender onesie in it.  Please excuse my double chin.  The angle was not flattering.

Here are a couple of videos of my 20 week ultrasound.  Couldn't figure out how to "extract" the video from the DVD so I just videoed the ultrasound on the computer from my phone.  Very advance dtechnology (HA!)  Sorry if they are shaky!  Hope you don't get motion sickness.

And just for fun - check out the growth between visits!

Very first ultrasound - 8 weeks


12 Weeks

Baby's Face at 20 Weeks, It is hard to get a whole body shot anymore.  Very cool!

And here are her girl parts!


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