Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, July 29, 2013

33 Weeks = A Completed Nursery

This week Mom and I finished the nursery!  Woo hoo!  Such a relief.  I have included pictures below.  I am so very pleased with how everything turned out!  I love it!  Not only did we finish the nursery we got the pack and play set up in my bedroom, put the bottles in their spot in the kitchen, made containers for the cars of extra items, and so much more.  This baby could come today and our house would be ready.  Yesss!  So much stress gone!!  That whole nesting thing is serious!  Scotty is very happy with the room as well.  He told me that he goes in there everyday before he leaves and just hangs out.  We also go in there most nights and sit while he reads to the baby.  It is our happy place : )

While Mom was here she also took a few pictures of my bare belly.  I was apprehensive at first but I know that I will look back and wish that I had some.  I am only posting two of those.  We are retaking the others....  Hard to look at yourself being much larger and much heavier.  I am more critical of myself.  I am anxiously awaiting the proofs from our photos that we had taken last week at the Statehouse.  Hopefully they will be finished soon! 

This week I have found that there is nothing better for a pregnant person than a bath.  Nothing fancy - not overly hot, no special bubbles or anything, just a bath.  I don't know what it is about a bath that just relaxes every muscle in my body.  I have been taking them a lot this week.  It will probably continue that way until I cant get in and out of the tub anymore. 

Well our upstairs A/C isn't working again.  You wanna see me get mad and act un-lady like - lose the A/C in late July at 8 1/2 months pregnant.  Scotty doesn't know what to do with himself when I start yelling and cussing about how hot I am.  He just calmly says, "Babe, what can I do for you?  What can I do or bring you to make it better?"  Of course there is nothing but A/C that can help me but he tries.  I am about to go hormonal on someone if this isn't handled pronto.  But Scotty is working on it.  I told him I am not afraid to let someone know what I think about all this if I have to.  I am fed up!  Luckilly the downstainrs is working like a champ and that is our saving grace.  That's the thing about renting - you don't have to pay for the broken A/C but you do have to wait for the property company to get their act together and get it fixed. 

Well I say goodbye to my husband this week.  Football camp/the season starts August 1st and I become a football widow for the next 6 months.  Single mom status y'all.  But I knew all this would happen before I married him.  I am very independent and self-sufficient and you have to be when you marry a football coach or any man that travels a lot.  Teaches me "I don't need no man to survive" but I do miss having him around : )  This is SUCH an exciting time in our life.  Not only are we weeks away from our sweet Charlotte being born but Scotty is coaching his own position this season (tight ends), still on graduate assistant pay status of course but this is a huge step in his career.  He has so much more responsibility than he has ever had and he has learned a lot about a position that he has not worked with before.  I am so proud of him and he looks and acts more like a coach when I see him with his players.  We are getting dinner for his players this Wednesday at the stadium and I am making dessert for them.  Last year, Scotty was working with the wide receivers and we had them over to our house.  All 13 of them... Thank goodness Mom was in town to help me cook.  Well this year he only has 4 players and that would be much more manageable to cook for but since we live further away it is harder for the guys to get to the house so the stadium it is.  I am trying to be a good coach's wife and learn their names, numbers, birthdays, etc. and give them a little something every week before the game in their lockers as a pick-me-up.  Hope I can live up to Scotty's picture of what a coach's wife should look like : )

Anywho - the whole point of all that was to say that we went to the "New Year's Eve" party that Scotty's parents have for the coaching staff every year.  This is our 3rd that we have attended and it is always a good time.  It is a celebration that the new season is here and it is a closing of the "free time" that the coaches have had.  We have a wonderful dinner and we dance.  I was out there dancing too - even in my "condition."  It was a lot of fun.  I was surprised that I made it to 11.  Must have been because I had a nap earlier that day. 

So for this upcoming week I have the scan that will estimate the baby's weight and size, Mom is coming back into town for the shower that Scotty's family is having for me and the first practice of the season is on Friday.     
So until then - here are lots of pictures:

Some, yes some of Baby Girl's clothes before they were hung in the closet.
and another...
The "C" that Mom made.  Some of the buttons are off of my baby clothes.
Entering the room...

The clothes now hung in the closet

More of the closet

And another of the closet and my attempt at organization.  We shall see how long it stays like this.  The letters and the keepsake box were made by a friend of our family.  They are wonderful.  The keepsake box (far left) is full of hats and headbands.  Thanks Judy!

The crib.  Y'all know that "Love" had to make an appearance. 

The glider

Changing table and dresser that is full of clothes, diapers, blankets, burp clothes, extra sheets, etc.  I have been asked about the baskets.  The one of the left is a trash can and the one on the right is a laundry hamper.

Another shot of the crib - without "Love"  Those wires are charging the baby monitor.  In case anyone was wondering...


Bookshelf.  The little basket is full of clip-in hairbows, the bigger basket has DVDs and CDs, and hopefully the piggy bank will be full of money - one day.  And there are the books that Scotty reads to her while I chill out in the glider. 

Another shot of the changing table, rug, and her monogram on the wall.

Her curtains.  It is a double rod.  The other rod has the blackout liner that helps to control the heat and cool as well.

Happy New Year Gamecocks!

One of the belly pictures that I approved of.  By the way (knocking on wood as I type this) I do not have any stretch marks.  Yet.  Hopefully the stuff that I rub on there everyday really is helping. 

And another

Monday, July 22, 2013

32 Weeks

Well - I am 8 months pregnant this week.  And I feel like it.  My belly is heavy when I sleep, my feet hurt and ache all the time, they swell, I pee all the time, and I can't sleep.  But I think about how everyday we get one step close to meeting this beautiful little girl and nothing hurts anymore. 

So doctor stuff:

Like I mentioned last week, the Dr. tested my thyroid and I am happy to say that my meds did not need to be adjusted and that my numbers are still normal.  Yay!  One less thing to worry about. 

Speaking of worrying  - I had my 32 week appointment this week.  I have gotten so used to things going well and being normal that I was a little thrown off this week.  No need to panic everyone - that is my job.  So first off the baby's heart rate was in the 140s-150s again which is great and my BP was good as well.  The doctor then measured my belly and baby girl is measuring 2-3 weeks ahead of schedule.  So then I start to panic.  The doctor said "well, we consider 2 weeks above or below the week you are currently pregnant (32 weeks so 30-34) as normal but I was at about 34.5 - which is not awful but still "out of the normal range."  They want me to watch my weight so that baby girl does not get too big for me to deliver.  The doctor set me up for a scan next visit at 34 weeks to get a more accurate weight and size of the baby.  She said to be mindful though that the scans can be up to 1 pound off, however, she has seen scans then the baby comes a few weeks later and the weight is within 8 ounces. 

From what I have read/heard, this is a rather normal thing to happen as you reach late pregnancy.  The baby starts to grow at its own rate now.  I have read that where the baby is located in the uterus and extra amniotic fluid can be contributing factors as well.  So I guess we will see what the scan says and go from there.  Plus it is another chance for me to look at this sweet baby!  It is like I said too - I would much rather her be measuring ahead than behind.  Maybe God just made me to have big babies : ) 

So after we left the doctor's office I got a call from my regular OBGYN's nurse.  She called to say they have set my induction date!  YIKESSSS!  We are set to go into the hospital at 5:00pm on September 2.  Holy crap - do y'all realize how close that is?!  Scotty and I are over the moon about it!  He was so excited when I called him and told him they had set the date.  So unless she comes on her own before - September 2nd is on the books!

We had our maternity pictures taken this week.  I got some recommendations and found a photographer and we decided on the Statehouse as our location for the pictures.  I didn't want a studio and I didn't want pictures taken of my naked belly.  The photographers that I picked don't usually do pictures of the naked belly so I like them for that and they were inexpensive and seemed really flexible.  So Scotty, my mom, and I all headed over and had some cute pictures taken.  Only bad thing about not wanting studio pictures  - it is hot as crap in South Carolina in July.  Even hotter when you are 8 months pregnant.  Anyway, it was a fun time and something Scotty and I enjoyed.  We shall see how the pictures turn out.  Hopefully I don't hate how I look in every single one...they tried to make sure that I looked flattering in the pictures.  Once again, hard task to accomplish when you are 8 months pregnant.

So my mom is here for a few days.  We have been doing some SERIOUS work on the nursery.  I was starting to panic about not being "prepared" and that fear is slowly diminishing.  We have really gotten that room together as well as preparing diaper bags and the hospital bag.  Scotty has been pulling Daddy Duty and putting together the bigger items and getting rid of all the trash my mom and I have been creating.  He has also been hanging curtains, and pictures, and things like that.  I will post pictures when the final project is done but I will just say this baby will smell so good from all her bath items, she will be a fashionista in all of her little clothes, and she won't be hurting for hair bows any time soon. 

So here are the pictures from this week.  Scotty wasn't pleased with my choice of clothes.  He said my shirt did not show off my belly enough - there really is no more hiding it anymore bud!  Also my mother was laughing at me because I had a tank top on at home and my belly kept hanging out of the bottom like a beer gut!


Monday, July 15, 2013

31 Weeks

Well I had my 25th birthday this week.  Yay.  I think I'll stop having birthdays now.  I'm starting to get up there.  Now it is just a downhill slope to my 30s. Yikes.  I had a great day with my co-workers and Scotty.  We had lunch out at work then they surprised me with a cake and then Scotty and I went to the Melting Pot which is my favorite spot.  It is our go to place for special occasions.  Scotty and my parents also bought me some perfume that I wanted as well as a prenatal massage that is much needed!!  I can't wait to set up my appointment for that.  Scotty's parents took my Spurrier family out to dinner the next night as well which was fun too!

My birthday was bittersweet though this year.  My grandfather on my Mom's side passed away that day as well.  He had been sick but it was still hard and it was hard for me because I am not there.  I wanted to be there to be a support to my family.  Luckily, my family is wonderful and very understanding of the fact that I am quite pregnant and it is a little harder for me to travel at this time.  Still, its just one of those things that you don't want to miss. 

Scotty and I went to our final baby class this past weekend.  It was an all day class at the hospital.  We learned a lot about the labor process, how the body actually works when in labor, what to expect, complications, what to expect the day of in the hospital, and we toured the maternity ward as well.  The class was taught by a nurse and a doula gave us the tour.  For those who do not know what a doula is, they are support people in labor.  They are not medical staff, they do not have medical training as a midwife would.  A doula knows a lot about labor and the body and helps you to use your body and coping techniques to work with your body through the labor process.  They are there to work with people having non-medicated births as well as those who are.  Non-medicated is the new term because "natural birth" implies that other births are unnatural.  Stupid PC crap.  At our hospital they are a free service.  I will not be using a doula.  One - because it is one more person in the room and I want as few people as possible and two - I plan on getting an epidural and hopefully won't be in pain too long but learned techniques to get me through until I am ready for the juice.  We practiced some techniques in the class.  Scotty learned how to help me through the pain a little by pressing or pulling on certain areas.  The doula also did this activity where the men flexed one arm to simulate a contraction.  They had to flex one arm and the wives had to pull on the arm while they contracted it for one whole minute.  They made it through obviously but then she said, "ok - we are going to do that again in 5 minutes and again in 5 minutes, then 4 minutes, for the next 14 hours."  Then I think the men got the idea a little bit better.     

On the tour we learned that I will labor and deliver in one room and after Charlotte is born we will get 1-2 hours in that room before we are moved to the postpartum room.  While in the birthing room, we are allowed 3 people.  I have chosen to have just my mom and Scotty in there with me and then other family is welcome to visit when I move over to the postpartum room, except for my dad and Scotty's parents.  They are welcome to visit in the birthing room during our 1-2 hour "cool down" period before being moved.  The birthing rooms are pretty big.  They had a rocking chair, 3 or 4 other chairs, a TV with DVD/CD player, a tub/shower combo, the baby bed/scale, and the labor bed which comes apart in all different ways.  The doula showed us the two monitors they use to monitor contractions and the baby's heart rate that go around the belly.  They also showed us all the different labor tools they have such as birthing balls, squat bars, scarves, and other things.  They also told us about their security measures.  The maternity floor is locked.  You must have a band to get in.  The baby gets two bands, I get one, and a "support person" who is in the room when the baby is born gets one (Scotty).  Scotty, or the person with the band, and the nurse are the only people who are allowed to transport the baby from place to place.  The baby also gets another band that had a sensor on it and if someone takes the baby outside of certain boundaries the all the doors lock on the floor and security is sent to check things out.  So it seems like a pretty safe place.  I do get worried about someone walking out with my baby or us going home with the wrong baby.  I bet it happens more than you think. 

They explained to us that they are very mother centered.  They said to make it known what you want and they would try and accommodate.  For example, if you want to give the baby the first sponge bath then you can.  If you don't want to but want to watch, they will bring the baby to your room.  So just little things like that.  After we found that out, Scotty said that he wants to give Charlotte her first bath and that is fine with me. 

As I mentioned, I am planning on an epidural.  We learned a lot about them and how they actually work which was nice.  Scotty got all worried when we were on the tour and the doula explained that while the epidural is being administered that no one except hospital staff can be in the room with me.  He knows how I am with needles and that is a big, important needle and he was worried that I wouldn't be able to handle it without my support people.  Well, I am thinking I will be in so much pain at that point that I won't care who is in the room as long as they get the meds in. 

Overall, I think it was a really good class.  I think Scotty and I both learned a lot.  He learned just where the baby is and where her head is and why I have to pee so much because her head is resting right on my bladder!  He also saw just how big she is in there and how I have no room for anything and why that makes it hard for me to breathe as well as why my heartburn is getting worse.  They gave us a book and one page was full of "symptoms" that you may be feeling at this point and he was steady crossing off all of mine on the list.  So he saw how normal things are and how I am not the only pregnant lady in the world complaining about these things.  He learned that when the water breaks (if it breaks on its own) its not some speed race to the hospital because the baby is coming now!  It's a very slow drawn out, 12-14+ hour process.  He even said, "I guess I didn't realize that you are in excruciating pain for hours until she decides she is ready to come out."  Um yeah.  Thanks for putting that into such clear words there Daddy.  I told him that when I begin to have the early stages of labor I want to take things slow, shower, and be calm as best as I can.  I do not want a big panic.  We shall see how that goes - on both our parts.  We are planning to induce so our plans maybe a little different then how they explained things in the class.  I most likely will not labor at home at all because I won't be in labor until I go into the hospital.  However, Charlotte has a mind of her own already and she may come early and then I imagine the panic will set in.

I feel a little more comfortable knowing what to expect and I think Scotty does as well.  He was paying attention to where we need to park, where we need to go in, etc.  And I was paying attention to things like being able to adjust the temperature in the labor room - which is a yes.  Mom and Scotty better remember their parkas. 

I found a really good hospital packing list on my Google searches.  I feel like it is a comprehensive list and one of the better ones that I have found and not to mention the lady who is writing the blog is funny. 

That list is here:

My mom comes this weekend and we have soooo much to get done.  We will be washing clothes, buying needed items, packing hospital bags, getting organized, hanging items in the nursery, etc.  I am going to be one tired pregnant lady.  I told her that when we go to the stores that I may need to break out my tennis shoes because my feet were killing me last time and that was almost 8 weeks ago.  Pregnancy is not about fashion anymore at this point people.

Scotty and I also have our 32 week appointment coming up this week.  We will be meeting the last doctor in the practice and this is my last appointment before my weekly appointments start on August 2.  YIKES.  Talk about time flying by!  Things are going to just roll on from here.  But we will be meeting this sweet baby so soon! I can't wait to kiss that little scrunchy face! 

Anyway, here are the pictures from this week.  Also, I look awful in this weeks picture.  I had taken a nap and forgotten that I needed to take the picture.  Oh well - I'm almost 32 weeks pregnant - forgive me.  Also - I gained 5 pounds this week!  Holy Crap!  That was a freaking wake up call.  Guess I really need to watch it.  I am creeping up on my total weight gain goal (2.5 pounds away to be exact) and I still have 8 weeks left of baby growth.  Salads it is for me and Char Baby. 


Monday, July 8, 2013

30 weeks

This week we had our 30 week check up.  My BP was good and baby's heartrate was in the 140s-150's like they like to see.  We got to see my regular doctor this week which was nice.  All of the people we have seen have been great, but it is comforting to see my regular doctor.  We see one more new doctor next week.  Scotty wasn't going to be able to make it to that appointment but I got it switched so that he will have met all of the doctors in the practice in case we have to use one of them.  Next week will be the last appointment that he will be able to go to before he is swamped with football starting up.  The doctor checked my thyroid again and she said it would be the last time until after I give birth.  She sprung that on me but I didn't even ask to lay down for the blood draw and I did great!  Scotty was proud of me.  I'm getting better  : )  We spoke to the doctor about induction and how that works.  She said that they cannot go before 39 weeks, that the hospital will not let them.  So unless Charlotte decides to come on her own before September 3th, 4th, or 5th, those are the days that we are looking at depending on the hospital schedule. 

I have been having more tightening this week.  When I stand for long periods of time or I am up moving around a lot my stomach will contract for a while.  After I relax it goes away, but apparently she does not like when I am overly active.  She also does not like when I bend over a lot.  She moves into my ribs and protests. 

Scotty and I went to a wedding in Charleston this past weekend and Charlotte did not enjoy that too much.  We did a lot of standing and she did not agree.  My stomach was tight but after I slept it was much better.

Speaking of sleeping - I think my days of sleeping well are over.  When I sleep I am very asleep but I wake up quite often.  I either am going to the bathroom or I am uncomfortable.  With my belly getting so big and so heavy it is hard on me to lay down for extended periods of time.  I try to sleep on my sides like I am supposed to and I have a body pillow I sleep with that I put under my belly and in between my knees and that helps.  But I have been a belly sleeper my whole life and that is just becoming so uncomfortable.  I feel like I can literally feel myself laying on top of her little body and it is uncomfortable and unsettling.  Oh well I guess it is helping me to prepare to not sleep the whole night through. 

Scotty and I get more and more excited to meet our little one everyday.  We can't believe how fast these next couple of weeks are going to go by!!!  And I just have to brag on him again - he takes such good care of Charlotte and I.  He very much tends to whatever needs I may have and he worries about us all the time.  I get more excited everyday to see him interact with our little girl.  I am very lucky to have him in my life and I can't wait to share this huge milestone with him.

Here are the pictures for this week:

Scotty wanted me to act like I do when she kicks my ribs


29 weeks - Baby Shower!

This week I had my first baby shower!  My Mom and best friend Sam Thompson threw a shower for me in Virginia so that all of my friends and family could attend there.  We had a great time playing games, eating, and opening gifts.  This little girl is so loved and so spoiled already!  Scotty and I are in trouble!  It was so wonderful to see all my friends and family that I do not get to see very often.  I think it was weird for them to see the little girl that they knew or their middle school friend with a big baby belly!  It was just as weird for me too as I sat and open diapers, wipes, baby clothes, etc. - seems so unreal still.  I can't believe that I will be needing those items, and pretty soon too!!  My Mom worked very hard putting together the shower and all the items that went with it.  She hand made a lot of the items such as the invitations, decorated the gift bags, a motorcycle "diaper cake", and lots of other things that she put a lot of time and effort into.  It showed and it was beautiful - so thanks Mom!  Charlotte and I had a great time!  Dad was not to be forgotten either - he had a whole trailer full of stuff that he and Scotty loaded and unloaded and loaded again - thanks Dad, it is only the beginning of all the baby stuff you will be handling!

We have received a few books so far as gifts and Scotty has been reading them to the baby.  She loves it!  She starts bumping all around in there while he reads to her.  I am sure that by all his reading he is doing she will for sure know her Daddy's voice - and come to expect nightly bedtime stories from him : )  She will be a smart girl with listening to all that reading.

I had a first this week - a stranger rubbed my belly.  I do not mind when people rub my belly at all.  I love it!  It's little Charlotte getting some baby love, but I have to say a complete stranger took me off guard a little.  I was in the Taco Bell picking up a dinner order for work and one of the women who worked there walked past me and kind of rubbed, lightly scratched her nails on my baby belly.  I kinda didn't know what to say!  I just said "I know!  She's a big girl!"  Then all of the women in the Taco Bell started asking me a million baby questions.  So that was interesting....

Along with the baby belly rubs, now that I look quite pregnant, people are starting to be protective of me.  I have strangers in the grocery store offer to help me, people at work offer to help me, Scotty and my parents offer to help me/won't let me do certain things.  I don't mind it.  I know they are looking after us : )

I also had another first this week - I attended a funeral for a Deputy from our Sheriff's Dept.  When we attend funerals for work, we stand in a formation.  This particular day it was very hot and sunny and I was wearing black.  We had to stand in formation for about 20 minutes while we waited on the family to arrive.  After the funeral, one of the older deputies came up to me and told me that I was his inspiration. He said, "I just want you to know that you were my inspiration for standing out there in the heat.  I saw you and I said to myself - if she can do it, I can do it."  I thought that was very sweet of him to say. 

Well, one thing that I learned about the baby this week is that most of her senses are developed and she is doing a lot of normal movements such as grasping, turning her head from side to side, opening and closing her mouth, etc.  However, I also learned that she is doing "not so normal movements" such as "walking" where she puts her feet on the uterine walls and kinda of walks along them.  Another thing she maybe doing to my uterine walls is licking them!  What?!  When I read that I almost fell out.  She better not be in there doing that!  I told her that too!  That's just plain weird - but that is what "What to Expect" told me.  Yuck.    

Scotty went and got his childhood stuffed animal "Love the Lion"  from his parents house this week and brought it home for Charlotte.  He was so excited about it and sent me a picture of Love sitting in the glider in her room.  I told him he would be waiting a while before Charlotte could play with him but he didn't care.  Just as long as Love was in her room to bring her comfort.  Such a sweet Daddy. 

So that was all of the excitement that we experienced this week.  Here are a bunch of pictures to show for it:

Scotty's Mom and Aunt Sandy playing games

Bonnie, Debra, and Linda posing for a picture

Missy, Emily, Carole, and Grandma Ann guessing my belly size with toilet paper

Me with Charlotte's grandmothers and great-grandmothers

Me and my Baby Daddy

Me and all the wonderful gifts

Mom, the party planner and me

Me and my Grandma Ann

Me and all of my friends from school.  Some from elementary, middle, and high school.

Dottie and I

Granny Jane and I

Me cutting the beautiful cake

Another picture of the gifts

Sam, my oldest friend, and I

It's a Girl! Kisses
The cake and Charlotte's 3D/4D Ultrasound Video

Food table

Letters made by Judy Bryant and the gift bags decorated by Mom

The Harley Diaper Motorcycle

Pictures of Scotty and I as babies, my coming home outfit, and my baby books

Strawberry Lemonade and Sweet Tea

Charlotte's cradle - it was my great-grandfather's


Guess Charlotte's Birthday!

Opening gifts

Laura and Kelly playing games

Emily, Aunt Steph, and pregnant Michelle (she is due 2 weeks after me with her third baby)

Scotty's childhood stuffed animal - Love the Lion