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Monday, July 8, 2013

30 weeks

This week we had our 30 week check up.  My BP was good and baby's heartrate was in the 140s-150's like they like to see.  We got to see my regular doctor this week which was nice.  All of the people we have seen have been great, but it is comforting to see my regular doctor.  We see one more new doctor next week.  Scotty wasn't going to be able to make it to that appointment but I got it switched so that he will have met all of the doctors in the practice in case we have to use one of them.  Next week will be the last appointment that he will be able to go to before he is swamped with football starting up.  The doctor checked my thyroid again and she said it would be the last time until after I give birth.  She sprung that on me but I didn't even ask to lay down for the blood draw and I did great!  Scotty was proud of me.  I'm getting better  : )  We spoke to the doctor about induction and how that works.  She said that they cannot go before 39 weeks, that the hospital will not let them.  So unless Charlotte decides to come on her own before September 3th, 4th, or 5th, those are the days that we are looking at depending on the hospital schedule. 

I have been having more tightening this week.  When I stand for long periods of time or I am up moving around a lot my stomach will contract for a while.  After I relax it goes away, but apparently she does not like when I am overly active.  She also does not like when I bend over a lot.  She moves into my ribs and protests. 

Scotty and I went to a wedding in Charleston this past weekend and Charlotte did not enjoy that too much.  We did a lot of standing and she did not agree.  My stomach was tight but after I slept it was much better.

Speaking of sleeping - I think my days of sleeping well are over.  When I sleep I am very asleep but I wake up quite often.  I either am going to the bathroom or I am uncomfortable.  With my belly getting so big and so heavy it is hard on me to lay down for extended periods of time.  I try to sleep on my sides like I am supposed to and I have a body pillow I sleep with that I put under my belly and in between my knees and that helps.  But I have been a belly sleeper my whole life and that is just becoming so uncomfortable.  I feel like I can literally feel myself laying on top of her little body and it is uncomfortable and unsettling.  Oh well I guess it is helping me to prepare to not sleep the whole night through. 

Scotty and I get more and more excited to meet our little one everyday.  We can't believe how fast these next couple of weeks are going to go by!!!  And I just have to brag on him again - he takes such good care of Charlotte and I.  He very much tends to whatever needs I may have and he worries about us all the time.  I get more excited everyday to see him interact with our little girl.  I am very lucky to have him in my life and I can't wait to share this huge milestone with him.

Here are the pictures for this week:

Scotty wanted me to act like I do when she kicks my ribs


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