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Monday, July 22, 2013

32 Weeks

Well - I am 8 months pregnant this week.  And I feel like it.  My belly is heavy when I sleep, my feet hurt and ache all the time, they swell, I pee all the time, and I can't sleep.  But I think about how everyday we get one step close to meeting this beautiful little girl and nothing hurts anymore. 

So doctor stuff:

Like I mentioned last week, the Dr. tested my thyroid and I am happy to say that my meds did not need to be adjusted and that my numbers are still normal.  Yay!  One less thing to worry about. 

Speaking of worrying  - I had my 32 week appointment this week.  I have gotten so used to things going well and being normal that I was a little thrown off this week.  No need to panic everyone - that is my job.  So first off the baby's heart rate was in the 140s-150s again which is great and my BP was good as well.  The doctor then measured my belly and baby girl is measuring 2-3 weeks ahead of schedule.  So then I start to panic.  The doctor said "well, we consider 2 weeks above or below the week you are currently pregnant (32 weeks so 30-34) as normal but I was at about 34.5 - which is not awful but still "out of the normal range."  They want me to watch my weight so that baby girl does not get too big for me to deliver.  The doctor set me up for a scan next visit at 34 weeks to get a more accurate weight and size of the baby.  She said to be mindful though that the scans can be up to 1 pound off, however, she has seen scans then the baby comes a few weeks later and the weight is within 8 ounces. 

From what I have read/heard, this is a rather normal thing to happen as you reach late pregnancy.  The baby starts to grow at its own rate now.  I have read that where the baby is located in the uterus and extra amniotic fluid can be contributing factors as well.  So I guess we will see what the scan says and go from there.  Plus it is another chance for me to look at this sweet baby!  It is like I said too - I would much rather her be measuring ahead than behind.  Maybe God just made me to have big babies : ) 

So after we left the doctor's office I got a call from my regular OBGYN's nurse.  She called to say they have set my induction date!  YIKESSSS!  We are set to go into the hospital at 5:00pm on September 2.  Holy crap - do y'all realize how close that is?!  Scotty and I are over the moon about it!  He was so excited when I called him and told him they had set the date.  So unless she comes on her own before - September 2nd is on the books!

We had our maternity pictures taken this week.  I got some recommendations and found a photographer and we decided on the Statehouse as our location for the pictures.  I didn't want a studio and I didn't want pictures taken of my naked belly.  The photographers that I picked don't usually do pictures of the naked belly so I like them for that and they were inexpensive and seemed really flexible.  So Scotty, my mom, and I all headed over and had some cute pictures taken.  Only bad thing about not wanting studio pictures  - it is hot as crap in South Carolina in July.  Even hotter when you are 8 months pregnant.  Anyway, it was a fun time and something Scotty and I enjoyed.  We shall see how the pictures turn out.  Hopefully I don't hate how I look in every single one...they tried to make sure that I looked flattering in the pictures.  Once again, hard task to accomplish when you are 8 months pregnant.

So my mom is here for a few days.  We have been doing some SERIOUS work on the nursery.  I was starting to panic about not being "prepared" and that fear is slowly diminishing.  We have really gotten that room together as well as preparing diaper bags and the hospital bag.  Scotty has been pulling Daddy Duty and putting together the bigger items and getting rid of all the trash my mom and I have been creating.  He has also been hanging curtains, and pictures, and things like that.  I will post pictures when the final project is done but I will just say this baby will smell so good from all her bath items, she will be a fashionista in all of her little clothes, and she won't be hurting for hair bows any time soon. 

So here are the pictures from this week.  Scotty wasn't pleased with my choice of clothes.  He said my shirt did not show off my belly enough - there really is no more hiding it anymore bud!  Also my mother was laughing at me because I had a tank top on at home and my belly kept hanging out of the bottom like a beer gut!


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