I purchased a jogging stroller and Charlotte and I have broken it in! We have gone for 2 jog/walks. She enjoys it and I have been dealing with it.... When I first found out that I was pregnant, I had been running and I planned to keep it up as long as I could while I was pregnant. However, the first time that I ran I had some very very minor spotting and after that I was all finished running for the next 9 months. I walked and did yoga throughout my pregnancy but I have forgotten what real exercise feels like. It will take me a while to work back up to where I was but I am motivated. I also purchased a step. I love step classes at the gym and I thought since I am home right now I may as well try and step at home and I love it! My step came with a great DVD that is just my style of aerobics and it makes me very happy to step it up and watch my little Char at the same time : ) When she gives me the 45 minutes to do it that is...
Charlotte's doctor's appointment went well too. She now weighs 10 pounds 4 ounces and is 22 inches long. Her head has grown as well and she is right on track for all of it. Yay! She also received her first round of shots : ( Sad for Char and sad for Mommy. I got my flu shot while I was there. I tried to get it through work for free but they would not give it to me since I am nursing. Whatever. I got my shot first and I did it like a champ : ) Maybe I am getting over my fear of needles. Kinda hard not to after all of the sticking they do when you are pregnant. After my one shot it was time for Char's. She got one thing orally then she got three sticks. The nurse told me to come hold her hands and I was thinking - ya know - people hold hands for support when getting sticks - I know Scotty held mine for a lot of them. Well that's not what she meant. She meant hold her hands down. So I hold Char's hands for the first shot and I'm loving on her and then she sticks her and her hands fly out of mine and I realize what she meant about about holding them down. Char screamed and then the nurse stuck her 2 more times and she was screaming so hard and jumped everytime she was stuck. When I could pick her up she was sweating so hard. Poor baby! I was proud her and proud of myself as well. One for not passing out and two for not crying. I cried in the hospital when Charlotte got her Hep B shot. Oh well. That is over for this time and she doesn't have to go back until 4 months. But that will be here before I know it.
Charlotte has discovered that she has hands. She now places them in her mouth. She sucks on her fist all the time and I have now caught her sucking her thumb. Crap. I have been on her like white on rice trying to keep that hand out of her mouth and the paci in instead. I am not happy about the thumb sucking at all. Such a hard habit to break so I am trying very hard to nip it in the bud early. Fun stuff.
Well I have woken up in the bed wet twice now. One from milk leakage - TMI I know. The second from sleeping on a wipe. It looked unused when I picked it up. Geeze. That's what happens when you have to change diapers in the dark. Sometimes when I change her she spits up and I don't see it so I then get her back to sleep and finally can climb back into my nice warm bed into a lovely puddle of surprise spit up. Yay. The things we go through as mothers. I just climb back out of bed, lay the burp cloth on top of the puddle and climb back in. It will dry eventually : ) Sleep is more important than a little wet spot.
Speaking of sleeping, Charlotte does pretty good. She will go down about 10:30pm and then wake up between 4:30am and 5:30am. I'm good with that. She will then go back to sleep and sleep until 7 am or so then back to sleep again until 8:15am. After that she is ready to get up for the day. That is when she comes into bed with mommy and we play and snuggle and I get some of her best smiles. It is my favorite part of the day! During the day it varies. Some days she sleeps all day long! Other days she can be very needy and will only sleep if she is being held and will not sleep if you lay her down. Those days I get nothing done. She is funny too because she is picky about where she will sleep. She does not like flat surfaces. She does not like to sleep in the pack and play or the cradle. She will sleep in the swing and in the rock and play. Both of those sit on an incline and they are more enclosed. I think they make her feel safe. I am still working on the flat surface thing because she can't sleep in the other two forever!
I have discovered the best baby thing ever. It is called Gripe Water. It is a ginger and fennel based liquid substance that cures hiccups. CURES them. Like instantly. Charlotte gets the hiccups all the time and she is starting to get frustrated by them. Before she wouldn't cry when she got hiccups and now she does and these drops save the day. They hit her tongue and the hiccups are gone. I am so trying them on myself the next time I get the hiccups.
Well my mom comes tonight to stay for the weekend. South Carolina plays Missouri this weekend in Missouri and I am making the trip with the team. My mom is SO looking forward to having Charlotte all to herself this weekend. I am sure Charlotte will get lots of snuggles and be held the whole time. Spoiled rotten thing. It will be so weird for me to not have Charlotte with me. She has been with me like literally every single hour since she has been born. It will be nice to have a break but this is a long one! I am sure I will be calling my mom for updates. A lot. It will still be work for me though since I have to keep up with my pumping the whole time I am gone. That should be interesting.
I am looking forward to seeing what Missouri looks like. Who knows when I would get a chance to see it again. I actually am looking forward to the cool weather there as well. It is finally starting to cool off in SC and it is really nice. Plus I love fall clothes : )
Well here are some pictures from the last two weeks. My girl is getting so big!
Jogging Stroller |
After her shots : ( She her sparkly band aids. |
Scotty using the boppy |
The 10 pound baby! |
Strong girl! |
<3 |
The Thumb Sucker |