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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

3 Weeks Old

Charlotte is another week older!  It is so hard to believe.  She is so much more interactive.  I was sitting with her on the couch yesterday morning and she held my gaze for about 3 minutes while I talked to her and she cooed back at me and she smiled twice!  She has smiled at me twice before but this time it was so awesome that I kept her attention for so long.

Well, my mom left this week.  Sucks.  I hate it. I hate that my parents live so far away.  When I first moved here I thought that it would get easier as time went on and it has gotten so much harder.  Especially now with a baby.  I cried when my mom left.  Not just because I would miss her, but because I know how much she will miss Charlotte and because I hurt for Charlotte to not have both sets of her grandparents close.  I love that Scotty's parents and most of his family are close and that Charlotte gets to be with some of her extended family but I wish she had more time with mine.  But with that said - I am flying home to VA next weekend and I am bringing Charlotte with me!  Yay!- I think...  I am nervous about flying on my own with her for the first time.  But I have to learn sometime!  I have really adapted the mindset that I want to do things on my own.  I LOVE that people offer to help me - from family to the bag boys at the grocery store but I need to learn to do things on my own and prove to myself that I can do it.  I know that this will only help my self confidence and help me to know that I can be a mommy! 

Speaking of being a mommy - I was not showered, covered in throw up, and had been peed on all in one day and I thought, "yep, welcome to motherhood."  Makes me smile  : ) 
Things I have learned:
- Time now moves at warp speed.  The days fly by and I have no idea where they have gone or what I have done to show for it!
- The baby is going to cry and I have no reason why.  She has this blood curdling scream, that she does, the kind where she is crying so hard that no sound is coming out.  Absolutely heartbreaking. I was assuming it was a pain cry and I was trying to figure out what I was doing wrong but it turns out it is also the I am EXTREMELY mad right now cry.
- I will learn what the different cries mean.  I didn't think that would ever happen.
- Sleep is over rated.  I am doing quite well with my new schedule and I am very proud of that  : ) Anyone who knows me knows how important sleep is to me. Charlotte is making it VERY easy for me to adjust because she is sleeping so well - pray that keeps up.
- Babies go through more diapers than I could have possibly imagined.  Like 12 or so in a day.  Wowza.  I'm guessing that is where that time flies to - diaper changes. 
- People will still say offensive things to you, even after the baby comes.  Things like, "oh, I didn't know that was your baby.  You look like you are still expecting."  Thanks jerk.
- You can do a lot with one arm.  Most of the time my left arm is filled with a baby.   : )
I am sure that there are more things that I have learned so far but the most important has been to trust my gut and that motherhood is the most rewarding thing ever.  I know that she needs me but some times it still blows my mind that she knows that I am her mother.  No one else.  There are times that she just wants me.  How awesome is that?!

Scotty's parents put on a dinner every week during the season for all of the coaches' families.  This week was Charlotte's first one!  She was a hit!  Everyone loved her and she was so good.  I was so proud!  The coaches wives were so sweet and they had a diaper shower for me.  I must have gotten 15 or so different boxes and packages of diapers in all different sizes plus some other goodies and wipes

.  So grateful for everything!     

Well, that is all for this week.  Here are some pictures  : )

These pictures are from the coaches family dinner.

Grandmommy and Granddaddy

Aunt Melissa

Diaper table

Cousin Davis

Mommy and Daddy's Pumpkin   : )

Bath Time

These get progressively cuter   : )

Crazy face!  I made a face like this when I was little.  It was called my Popeye face  : )

Sweet lil' Gamecock!
3 weeks old!!

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