Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

One Month and 5 Weeks!

So I am already behind on my blogging.  Geeze.  I swear this little girl knows when I sit down to do something - that is when she is wet or hungry or wants to be held.  Silly girl.  But I can't get enough of her!!  She is just the sweetest little thing!  I could just sit and hold her all day long. 

Ok - so I will try and remember what has happened in the last 2 weeks.  Well Charlotte is getting more vocal daily.  She interacts with me more everyday as well.  She will look intently at me and smile and coo back at me.  I can be so tired in the mornings and she will start that and I just forget about everything! 

She gets fussy in the evenings from about 6-11pm (not everyday and not that whole time) she will fuss then be ok then fuss.  During that time she eats almost every hour as well.  She will even be nursing and be ok then fuss then nurse then fuss.  Finicky thing doesn't know what she wants!  Typical girl  :  ) I don't mind the fussiness though because that night she usually sleeps well.  She hasn't been sleeping as much as I would like during the day.  She will sleep when we are out running errands but when we are home she wants to be held.  There are some days though that I can pop her in her swing and she will watch the ceiling fan and drift right off to sleep on her own.  Like she is now  : )  That is when I bust my butt to get everything done. 

I guess the biggest news that happened over these last two weeks was that Charlotte and I flew to Virginia for the weekend.  I was nervous about it but she is such a peaceful little baby that I figured she would be ok.  I took her in the Baby Bjorn so she just slept on my chest the whole time and she was very happy.  We were so lucky that both of the flights were on time.  That is probably what I was worried about the most.

We had a wonderful time in Virginia.  We visited with family and friends and they just oohed and ahhhed over her.  I can't tell you how many people have told me how she is such a good baby.  That makes me so happy!  I hope she continues to be that way!  Charlotte attended church for the first time as well.  It was pretty special for me because we went to the church that I grew up in as a child.  I hadn't been there in so long and it was so cool to be sitting in there remembering everything while I held my own child.  Pretty surreal.  It was pretty weird also to be in my childhood home with my own baby.  That was very different.  I think both my parents and I have thought about that scenario for so long it was interesting for us to experience it.  It was like a vacation for me.  My mom wanted to do everything, so I let her  :  )

Charlotte also visited her other grandparents house for the first time as well.  We went to Scotty's parent's house for dinner on Sunday night.  It is something that we do often as a family so it was fun to finally have Charlotte there to join us.  Charlotte also stayed with her aunt Melissa while I ran out for a couple of hours.  She was very good for her first babysitting experience.  Let's hope she keeps that up as well.

Another big milestone in Charlotte's life in the last 2 weeks is that she attended her first football game!  It will be one of many I am sure.  We were so blessed that we did not have to sit outside and we could sit in the football offices.  I had all her stuff spread out everywhere and we were both more comfortable that way.  She looked so cute in her Gamecock cheerleader outfit.  It was nice as well because my friend Kelly was in town and she helped me with Charlotte at the game and at home.  It was nice to have someone to help me for my first gameday experience with Charlotte.

This week (beginning of week 6) is the first time I have really wished that Scotty was home more.  Not that I don't miss him on a regular basis or anything but I would enjoy more help this week.  I really take pride in the fact that I am independent and I have really jumped into this mom thing head first but this week my allergies started to bother me and it is really hard to take care of someone else when you don't feel good.  I knew that this would happen at some point and I did not look forward to it but it is kind of empowering as well.  I look at the things that I have accomplished while not feeling well like taking care of the baby : ), getting bills paid, going to the grocery store, doing laundry, etc and it make me think, "Heck yes!  I can do this!"  I thought the same thing after our successful plane rides. 

Here is a funny story from Charlotte's birthday that I remembered a few days ago.  So I was in the hospital and I was in active labor.  Well Scotty and his mom went to get something out of the car or went somewhere (still on hospital premises but I can't remember where - I was in labor.)  So they came back and I thought nothing of it, once again, I was in active labor.  Well after Charlotte was born and they moved us to the postpartum room and my mom had left and it was just Scotty and I for the night, he said, "Well I guess it is safe for me to tell you now."  Uhm what??  And he continued and said, " I almost got really badly hurt today."  Again, uhm what?!  And then he said, "When my mom and I went to ( whatever he said they did) I rolled my ankle and almost broke it."  I said, "OMG!  Did you fall down?  Like to the ground?"  And he said yes.  He said that he thought he was on the last step and wasn't and he fell down to the ground and that all the hospital personnel were running toward him asking if he was alright.  They were looking at his ankle and wanted him to get checked out and he said no because his wife was upstairs in labor.  He said he told his mom not to tell me until after everything was over.  He is lucky that he was ok because if they would have come and told me he had broken his ankle while I was about to birth his child they would have been fixing a lot more than his broken ankle in the ER.  He then showed it to me and it was all swollen and bruised.  I couldn't believe that he played it off so well!  I told him he didn't act like he was hurt when he stood next to my labor bed for hours.  He said it did hurt him while he was standing holding my hand and while he was holding my leg while I was pushing but he didn't want it to show and me to worry or get upset.  Good for him, he does understand   :  )  I just think that is a funny story to think back on now that he was all concerned about me not knowing and I think about how differently the day could have turned out. 

Well here are a ton of pictures from the last 2 weeks.  Enjoy  :  )

Smiley Baby!

First bath in the sink!

Ready for church!

Charlotte with Mimi and Great Aunt Steph

Another pumpkin picture

And here is the link to a video of her sounding like Maggie Simpson from The Simpsons show with that paci  :  )

And here is the link to a video of her just being cute and talking back to me:

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