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Monday, March 4, 2013

12 Weeks

Well 12 weeks is almost over now.  The biggest thing that I have noticed this week is lightheadedness (if that is a word).  The doctor told me that can be common because of hormones, as always, and because I have more blood volume now.  More blood = lower blood pressure.  I get very tired and winded from walking up stairs and I feel very lightheaded and nauseous if I have my arms above my head for too long.  Another symptom of pregnancy that I didn't know was a symptom is this annoying runny nose that I cannot get rid of.  Once again I have hormones to thank for that.  My joints have been bothering me as well.  Geeze- talk about body changes.  Men have no idea. 

My tiredness and nausea visited this week.  I thought I was over that.  But I have been napping when I can and I rested a lot this week after the big move in hopes that would help.  I also have been having some pain in my butt - and I'm not talking about Scotty - hehe just kidding : )  I have a deep pain down in my butt around where my tailbone is.  It is a deep, achy feeling.  I read that it could be the sciatic nerve but I also read that I probably would have a lot more pain if it was that.  That baby must have been doing a lot of growing this week because my belly has been very sore this week as well.  I have to move a lot slower than I am used to especially when I turn over when I'm sleeping.  It hurts but it comforts me to know that my body is stretching to make room for my growing fetus.    

Some really awesome body changes are happening for Baby this week.  This week its reflexes are developing.  It can hiccup, suck, open and close its little fists, and its synapses in its brain are forming.  For those who don't know what synapses are, they are the signals that your brain sends to different parts of the body telling it what do to, among other things.  

This week I am hoping to schedule a tour of a church daycare facility that comes highly recommended in the area.  It is very close to our new house which is great.  I know that we have a while before Baby gets here but I heard there is a 9 month waiting list at this place so we need to get on the list ASAP.  Daycare is not something I am looking forward too at all - price wise or leaving my sweet baby.  Maybe, just maybe, Scotty and I will be able to afford for me to stay home for a while.  Say a prayer for us.  

Well, I'll leave you with week 12 belly pictures.  Thanks for reading!


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