Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Technology is Amazing

So I have this app on my phone that shows the baby's growth per week and gives me little tidbits about what is going on.  I took screen shots on my phone and I am going to post the pictures on here per week as I write.  But I thought I would put the pictures up that I have received so far.  It pretty cool to see what baby looks like in my belly.  I will post the baby's size as well.


Size of an Apple Seed

Size of a Pea

Less and 1/2 an inch or the size of a Blueberry

Size of a Jelly Bean

Size of a grape and weighs a fraction of an ounce.  Head is as big as the body. An ounce is about the weight of a paper clip, just for reference.

Size of an olive (1 1/12 inches) weighing a quarter of an ounce and is now a fetus not at an embryo any longer.

Size of a fig - whatever size that is

Size of a key lime, weighs 1/2 ounce

Baby is 3 inches long.

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