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Friday, March 29, 2013

Week 15

Well week 15 brought some serious leg pain.  It started in my knees and hurt all the way down into my ankles.  It is a very deep, aching pain.  Scotty brought me the ice packs and I put those on my knees for a while but that only stifled the pain a little.  I then broke down and took some Tylenol and that helped a lot.  The doctor said that joint pain is normal throughout pregnancy but I figured that it would come later when I had started to put on weight and and my belly was weighing me down. 

Speaking of weight I still have not gained yet.  I am taking this as a good thing.  I have started working out doing my very low-impact pregnancy DVDs and I am really enjoying it.  I do not feel so lazy and I know that it is good for baby and I.  Plus just that little bit of exercise helps me to sleep better which is always a plus. 

Scotty informed me that my belly is starting to get hard.  I think that this also is a good thing so it doesn't look as bloated and jiggly when I am walking around.  I am looking forward to when I look pregnant and not this in-between thing that I am right now.  For people who know that I am pregnant they notice that baby is growing but random people on the street probably think that I am just overweight. 

I have decided that I would like to take a trip, just Scotty and I before the baby comes.  A "Babymoon"  they call it.  Whatever - I call it a vacation.  I am in the works on figuring out where and when we can go but I am looking forward to it already!  I have known that things are going to be very different in our relationship after the baby gets here but it is really starting to sink in now.  So I want to take the time to really focus on Scotty and I and be thankful for the time that we have had together to be just us.  But I'm sure that on the babymoon we will be focusing on how excited we are to become us three!!

Scotty enjoys talking to the baby.  He likes to talk to it when he comes home from work and before I go to bed.  I told him that next week the baby will finally be able to actually hear him.  He was very excited about that.  We are picking out a song to play it everyday so that when baby is born it will recognize the song and sooth it.  Hopefully.  I also told him that he can start reading to the baby as well.  We are working on creating a very smart, intelligent human being and there is no better time than the present!

I have pregnancy journals that I write in weekly as well as do this, but after a week is up I can't remember everything that has happened that week or weeks start to blend together.  Pregnancy brain at its best - which is a real problem if you don't believe it.  I feel so foggy-brained all the time.  I forget things, I do things like trying to change the toilet paper in the bathroom and instead of walking out with the empty roll I come out with the full roll.  I put things in the fridge that aren't supposed to be there or look for things in the fridge, like a clean plate.  Ugh.  So frustrating.  So anyway, I am trying to write things down more frequently so that I can remember them. 

So before I forget - here are pictures from this week!

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