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Monday, August 5, 2013

34 Weeks - A Hospital Visit and a Shower

So I had an up and a down this week.  I had my 34 week check up and I was to have an ultrasound to get an estimated weight on the baby.  So I went and I had an ultrasound first.  The lady (her first day by the way) was quite late.  She said that she had done ultrasounds before but that this was a different kind of machine and she was getting used to it.  Great.  This scan was much different than the others in the sense that it was harder to see the baby parts since she is so squished in there now.  It was also different because the ultrasound lady was looking at measuring different things than normal.  She measured the head, leg bone, and other things but she measured the fluid pockets which they have not done before.  So I finished the scan and headed in to see the Dr.  She said that everything looked good.  Baby is estimated at 6 pounds 4 ounces right now which puts her at the 72 percentile (if 50 is "normal" at 5 pounds).  She said that the heart rate looked good (149) and that the blood flow through the umbilical cord looked great (that was never measured before).  This was an important measurement because my amniotic fluid level was low.  Uh oh.  That was where the Dr. got a little concerned.  She said that this can be a problem because low fluid increases the chances of problems with the cord such as it wrapping around the baby's neck or getting stuck below her head.  The Dr. explained that my number was at 5.9 and they do not like to see it fall under 5.  The doctor also mentioned that if the fluid continues to stay low that we would need to talk about bringing Charlotte earlier than our induction date.  She said that most babies at this point are developed and just putting on fat the rest of the time and that they usually don't even need a ventilator.  So that made me feel better that if she needed to come out that she would be ok. 

So the doctor decided to send me to the MAC (Maternal Assessment Center) at the hospital to get some fluids and told me that I would need to come back on Monday to be checked again. Did I forget to mention this was my first appointment without Scotty?  Thank goodness my mom was in town to go with me.  So we headed over there and I checked in and I was put in a room and given an IV (I did ok.  Lots of sweating while she put it in.  No passing out but she did miss the vein the first time and had to stick me again.)  The nurse ran the fluids wide open so it did not take long for the bag to empty.  They hooked me up to the fetal heart rate monitor.  I loved sitting and listening to the baby's heartbeat over and over.  Then she would move and it would be so loud.  She would hiccup too and that was very loud!  One time she moved away from the monitor and it took the nurse a minute or two to find her again and I panicked.  But she was just hiding : )  After my fluid bag was empty, I then was taken to radiology to have another scan at the hospital.  The nurse explained their machines are a lot better than the ones at the doctor's office. 

The ultrasound lady at the hospital was very hard to read.  She was saying things like "well I'm just checking to make sure the baby is breathing  - and then would stare at the screen like her life depended on it, or things like "the baby has a lot to do and I only have 30 minutes, or so you have been feeling the baby move?"  YIKES!  She needed some bedside manner.  I was one terrified mama after seeing her.  I was ok until then.  I wasn't worried about getting fluids.  I knew it had to be done and it was for baby girl but then when she started all that talk I got scared.  They gave me a print out of the results to take up to my nurse.  The nurse looked them over and showed it to the on-call Dr. from my practice and they said my number was now 12 and that the baby and I looked perfectly healthy and they sent me home.

I went back to the doctor today for my 35 week check up (actually 34 weeks, 6 days) and I was scanned again and my fluid was at 11 and everything else looks great!  Baby and I are doing well.  My BP was good and her HR was in the 150s.  The doctor said that since my fluids were up today and since they came up so quick with the fluid at the hospital she thinks that I was just dehydrated.  I was swabbed for my GBS test (Group B Strep) which moms can be a carrier of and not know it and pass it to the baby during delivery.  My cervix was also checked (sooo not fun or comfortable).  I am 25% effaced and about a fingertip dilated.  Doc says this is right where I am supposed to be.  So we shall see how things look at next weeks appointment. 

So that was my scare for the week but everything turned out A-OK which is all that matters.  For the good news of the week - I had another baby shower!  Scotty's mom, Jerri and sister Lisa, threw a shower for me and my South Carolina friends at Jerri's house on Sunday.  We had a great time eating and playing games.  I have included a few pictures below.  It is amazing how people can make you feel so loved and love little Charlotte so much and she isn't even here yet!  I was/am so thankful for my family support and my friend's support as well.  Charlotte and I appreciate it so much. 

So a little funny side note - during the ultrasound at the doctor the lady printed off a few pictures.  She would show Mom and I Charlotte's profile and we could see a hand and a foot and the lady mentioned that she could even see the teeth that are down under Charlotte's gums.  Well I have included one of the pictures below that to me look like "teeth."  While waiting for the doctor I was looking at the pictures more closely and thinking about the teeth comment.  See if you can see these teeth in the picture and how they look like country bumpkin teeth and that I hope I am making this up in my head.  Mom was dying laughing when I pointed it out to her.  Enjoy!

Table : )


Present Table

Layken and her sister Morgan

Me and Baby Millie

Melissa and Hayley filling out baby advice for me

Me and my cute headgear

Melissa, Hayley, Morgan, and Layken

Liz. Maria, and Nina giving me some baby advice


Guessing how big around my belly is

More presents
Pretty pink flowers

A few pictures measuring the belly guesses

Playing a nursery rhyme game

Opening presents


Millie had an accident that required a new set of clothes and had to go home.  Oh what fun I have to look forward to  : )

Yes, I am sweating opening presents.

Amy, Kara, Nina, Me Liz, and Maria (all work friends)

Layken, Me and Morgan

Hayley and I

Melissa and I

Kathleen and I

One of Charlotte's grandmothers and I

Her other grandmother and one of her aunts

Me and all the wonderful gifts!
Does anyone else see the bucked teeth?!  OMG!  I need one of those things where I can circle stuff like they do on ESPN and when they show the weather.

You can kind of see an eye, mouth, and fist here

Profile with a fist

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