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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

37 Weeks

Well at my doctor's appointment this week she told me that I am now 1-2 centimeters dilated, 75% effaced, and the baby's head has moved down even more.  She said that my cervix was much softer and that it was much more favorable.  She said that she was a little worried last time about the baby's head still being so high but that she had dropped a lot in the last week.  My fluid was at 8 this week which the doctor said was good, baby's heart rate was in the150s-160s this time which is good, and my blood pressure was still very normal.  Charlotte was being very stubborn at the last appointment and she wouldn't move the third and final time the ultrasound lady needed to see.  She finally did move and we scored an 8/8 on our weekly test.

I have become more nervous at my appointments now.  I think part of it is now I am going alone, part of it is D-Day is coming so soon, and I get worried about our weekly tests and whether or not I am more dilated or if the baby has dropped more.  It is all very stressful.  I try to relax and calm myself down but it is hard.  Plus I hate going in there to be weighed as well.  They weren't lying when they said to expect more weight gain at the end...oh well we are almost to the finish line. 

Speaking of weight  - I have been looking into what I want to do after Charlotte is born to try and get this weight off.  I think that I am going to do Weight Watchers.  It is not too expensive, I had success with it before, it is easy to take the baby to meetings, there is one close to my house, they have a special system for nursing moms, and I can exercise on that program.  I am very motivated to lose this weight after Charlotte is born but I know that after a few sleepless nights my mind may change.  Luckily, my mom will be there to keep me on track and help keep me motivated.  Plus, its easier to eat right when someone else is doing the cooking : )  I have read not to expect/try to lose weigh in the first 6 weeks if you are nursing because you need to make sure that you have a steady supply of milk established.  I think this makes sense but I am still going to try and eat well and walk as much as I can. 

I still can't sleep.  I know this is not going to get any better.  So I have been putting myself to use.  I have been staying up later to try and help me to sleep through the night better.  It does help.  Plus my nesting is out of control.  After a long stressful day at work yesterday, I came home took my car to be washed, I vacuumed it, and wiped down the inside.  Normally this would be something I would save for the weekend but it had to be done now!  Then after that I came home, made candy bags for Scotty's players, cooked dinner for Scotty so that he would have something to eat when he got home at 9:30pm, then I cleaned out/re-organized our filing cabinet.  Also something that had to be done right then!  So silly, I know, but I had the time and the energy so I got it done. 

Since we are renting we have to have an inspection of the house every 6 months and I got an email saying that they wanted to do it sometime in September and I was like - yeah, no.  I was not happy with the idea of a man coming to the house, unexpectedly sometime in September, while I would be home, nursing, the house a disaster, possibly a sleeping newborn, and me learning how to be a mother.  I didn't care if the inspection was only going to take 5 minutes - it wasn't happening.  So I called and luckily the inspector was in our area yesterday and he was able to come by the house and knock that out.  Praise the Lord.  So nice to catch a break and have something so small and simple work out like that.  It is such a burden off my shoulders. 

Well other than those few things, this week was rather uneventful.  Good.  Things will be eventful enough very soon.  38 weeks is here and I will be frantically trying to tie up all lose ends at work, do one last and final cleaning of the house, and this coming Thursday is the first football game of the season but my sweet, glowing, screaming little girl will be here so soon!  I can hardly stand the wait!

So here is the picture for this week - once again I look very tired  - well newsflash, I am.  Enjoy!

P.S. since my husband is never home I have been taking these pictures myself with the camera timer.  So that doesn't help my "trying to look decent" situation. : )

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