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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

35 Weeks and a TON of Pictures

This week Charlotte and I were lucky enough to attend another shower thrown in our honor, but this time it was for two other babies and mamas too!  Two other girls that I work with are pregnant as well and our co-workers were nice enough to throw us all a joint couples shower at the lake this past Saturday.  We all had a great time hanging out together, eating, opening gifts, and chatting at the lake.  Thanks Nina and Maria!  Scotty was unable to make the shower due to work but I still had a great time!

Well the A/C is still broken upstairs in our house.  So frustrating!  It has been triple digits here with the heat index and I am getting pretty fed up.  I have called and complained and emailed and complained and still nothing.  They are pretty good at making up excuses.  I have decided that if it is not fixed this week I will be calling a company of our choosing and having them come out on Monday to fix the problem and we will just send a bill to the property company/home owner.  This has been a problem since May and we have made it known that this has been a problem.  Mama is not happy and they know it.  The days go by so quickly and soon our little tiny baby will be coming home and newsflash... she can't sleep in over 90 degrees.  So they need to get it together quick!

With the A/C being broken and it being so hot here, I have tried to keep my water intake up.  The last couple of times that my amniotic fluid has been checked it has been fine so the doctor seems to think that I was just dehydrated the first time and now I have been panicked about being dehydrated.  So I have been drinking over a gallon of water daily.  Gallon.  Of water.  Daily.  So good for me but dang that's a lot of water and a lot of bathroom breaks.

Anyway - one of the final pieces of the bringing baby home puzzle has been completed.  This week I asked one of the CAT team (Community Action Team) deputies from work to come and install the car seat.  He was nice enough to come to my office and show me/put in the car seat correctly.  That was a huge weight off of my shoulders knowing that it was in, for one, and that it was put in correctly as well.  We still have two more to put in but I think that I know how to do it and I can get them checked as well after Scotty and I try to put them in. 

I am a little ahead on my doctor appointments since I have been being seen on Mondays and Tuesdays are the days that my weeks change over.  I was seen yesterday for my 36 week check up (35 weeks 6 days).  I had another ultrasound to have my fluid checked and they count the baby's movements and count her breathing movements as well.  The ultrasound person that I got this time was much better than the last 2 that I have had.  She was very chipper and nice and said things like "she is breathing so well!," "you ate breakfast this morning didn't you - I can tell because she is already moving around!"  Well praise the Lord for her.  She made me feel much more at ease than the other two ladies did.  She did need to see Charlotte move one more time and she was refusing to do it and I was rubbing on her and turning on my side and finally she moved again and we scored an 8 out of 8 on the test that they do with the breathing, movements, cord flow, and something else. Heart rate maybe?  Oh well - we passed and my fluid was at 11 again and the doctor said that was perfect.  Baby's heart rate was 143 this time.  Then it was my turn to be examined.  We saw the doctor and she went over the ultrasound print out with me again.  She measured my belly and said that baby girl is measuring right at 36 weeks, just like she should be.  My blood pressure is still down at 102/60 which she was happy with.  Then came the fun part - cervix check.  I have grown to hate this already and I know that I have so many more coming my way.  After this check I was much more uncomfortable for the rest of the day.  I don't know if I was anticipating what was going to happen and was tense or if there is just more pressure from the baby now or what but I did not feel the greatest yesterday.  Not to mention I was outside a lot and was very hot all day.  Hopefully it won't be like that the rest of the exams. Well the doctor said that I am now a full centimeter dilated, 50% effaced, and she can touch the baby's head.  Holy crap.  Yeah - things are getting real. 

Last appointment I had mentioned my fears about a C-section and the doctor explained that it has to do a lot with how "favorable" my cervix is.  She said that mine is definitely becoming more favorable but that she would like to see the baby move down a little bit more and that we still have time for that to happen.  She said that it is too early to tell whether or not her head will be too big to fit but that it is a good sign that she is starting to move down because that can be a good indicator that the baby will be able to fit.  She said that it can be harder for women like her and I who have shorter waists and that can mean that our pelvis is more narrow.  She wanted me to know that a C-section is not the end of the world and can be better and safer for mom and baby than trying to push out a baby that can barely fit through the birth canal or cause more damage to the lady area that will take longer to heal than a C-section scar.  She knows that I prefer to have a vaginal birth (as long as it is safe) but she is gradually putting me more at ease about a C-section if it has to happen.  It is like she said, "only the good Lord knows what is going to happen right now." No point in worrying about things that I have no control over. As long as this little baby gets here safely that is all that I care about.  I don't care how she gets here.  Amen. 

The disk of all of our maternity pictures was ready last week and I have posted those below.  I chose Joshua Aaron Photography here in Columbia after talking to a few people and checking out their photos.  They are a husband and wife team and they were really fun to work with.  As the pictures go along you will see that it started to get really hot...but I made it through and Scotty and I are both very pleased with the pictures.  I will use those photographers again - most likely for Charlotte's newborn pictures.  So you can check those out below with the weekly picture.











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