Now that I am feeling better I also am trying to get back into exercising. My mom bought me some great pregnancy DVDs that breakdown workouts by trimester. I keep telling myself that I know it is good for the baby for me to be in good shape and I have read so much about how exercising during pregnancy helps with labor and delivery and I will take all the help I can get with that.
Now for all the good stuff:
This week was an exciting week in our lives. Scotty and I moved out of our old house and we are now fully moved into the new house. I have never moved an entire house before and it was, as I said, overwhelming. My mom came down on Wednesday and we started packing stuff up. We had about 10 boxes in the living room and I though we were never going to finish. The next day I had to work but mom cleaned the new house for 5 hours! She was so helpful with everything this week. Scotty and I can't thank her enough. We then moved over some boxes little by little that day as well as Friday and Saturday. Then Sunday was the big move. A co-worker of mine and her husband came to help as well as 2 interns from the weight room at the stadium came to help. The interns (Ben and Dan) were awesome. I mean awesome. They did stuff without me asking or complaining and when I say stuff I mean lift and move a refrigerator, washer and dryer, couch, and much more. They saved our butts that day. I don't know what we would have done without them. And as for a repayment for all their hard work...Ben's truck broke down at the new house and they had to sit and wait for 2 hours on Triple A on their day off. Best gift ever right? Then on Monday I had my 12 week appointment (well technically I was 11 weeks and 6 days) and after that Mom and I headed back to the house to start the unpacking process. Lets just say Mom and I killed it! We got almost everything unpacked and in its spot! She was saying yesterday that we should have taken before and after pictures. The transformation was amazing. We made that pile of boxes into a functioning home. Scotty's mom and nephew also came over and helped on Monday to unpack things and lift the heavy items. Overall it was a team effort and we got it done! Needless to say, next time we move, we are hiring movers.
12 Week Appointment
Like I said we had our 12 week appointment on Monday. Scotty headed out before my mom and I did to meet his mom and we all headed over to the appointment. When Mom and I got to the doctor's office and Scotty and his mom weren't there I wondered how we beat them. I called and Scotty said they had gotten lost. Great. I figured that the ultrasound would be first and I didn't want them to miss that. But they ended up getting there right as we had gotten started so they didn't miss much.
This ultrasound was so cool! They did the ultrasound on my belly this time since I am further along and we watched it on the TV screen again. A growing fetus changes so much in 4 weeks time! We could see the round head and big belly and the little flickering heart. It was amazing. I told myself I wouldn't cry this time but then my mom cried and I did too. She started to cry when this little baby started jumping around in my belly! It looked liked it had the hiccups or something and it was bouncing around on its little butt! I couldn't believe it! I was screaming in the room - the ultrasound lady probably thought I was crazy. It was moving its little arm over its head and straightening its legs out. We could see its little fist and fingers. The tech needed the baby to turn so that she could get a different picture so she was poking my belly with the wand thing and the baby started to turn over and we could see its face. It was amazing to say the least. It was such a relief to see that the baby was growing and to be able hear and see that little heartbeat. We got to listen to it again and the tech said the heartbeat was loud and strong. The heart rate was 150 this time and both the tech and the PA-C said that was great. They both said baby was measuring right on schedule at 11 weeks 6 days. Yay! The tech and the PA-C also explained they were measuring the fatty area on the back of the baby's neck. I guess with some genetic diseases that area is thicker than normal but they said that Baby's looks good and normal. Praise the Lord for that.
After the ultrasound we all headed in to see the Physician's Assistant (PA-C) and she asked Scotty and I a million genetic questions as well as questions about breastfeeding, circumcision, and other need to know questions. I answered many of the questions and I was thankful that my mom was there to help me with all the family history questions. Scotty is adopted and we do not know any of his family history so we asked if he needed any special blood testing and the doctor and the PA-C said that wasn't necessary. The PA-C also asked us if we wanted the genetic blood test screening done that they do at 12 weeks. Scotty and I had talked about that before and decided that we did not want any sort of genetic testing done unless the doctor sees something and believes that it would be in our best interest. Scotty and I know that whatever the test would say wouldn't matter to us anyway because we wouldn't do anything different - so why get all worked up for the next 6 months. Who needs that added stress? - not this Mama, I have enough. Speaking of stress, I then had to go and have my 5 viles of blood drawn. Couldn't they do that first and get it over with? Geeze. Well y'all should be so proud of me. I did so good!! No tears, no passing out no nothing!! I'm growing up right along with this baby! Woo! I know that it is only going to get easier. I had a great nurse and they let me lay down and Scotty held my hand. Around vile 4 or 5 I knew I was reaching my breaking point but then it was over and I got to sit with my feet propped up and enjoy some ginger ale and crackers. : ) We then headed to check out and I got the breakdown of how much an OBGYN costs to deliver a baby. Yikes. Good thing Scotty and I have been saving for this or we would be up the creek - or have to sell the baby to pay for the doctor. Just kidding : ) I'm not excited to see how much the hospital is going to cost. We made our 16 week appointment and that is just for a belly measure and to listen to the heartbeat with a Doppler, no ultrasound next time : ( no blood taking either : ) They did tell Scotty and I that they could give us a "sneak peek" at the gender next time but Scotty and I agreed we are going to wait until the 20 week ultrasound to find out. And just so y'all know I will not be sharing that on here until AFTER our gender reveal party so I hope the suspense isn't too much for y'all.
So today I am 12 weeks and 1 day. We made it!!! I can't believe that this time next week I will be in my second trimester! Wow! So for now I will leave you with LOTS of pictures. Until next time...
Baby's Face
Baby's Arm
Baby Lounging With its Feet Propped Up
Baby and the Heartrate
Baby's Legs
My Belly Poking Out - Ignore the Moving Stuff
And Finally - This week is our 4th wedding anniversary!