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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

11 Weeks and Overwhelmed

Well 11 weeks came and went.  I am feeling much better.  My nausea is better and so is my fatigue.  I still am getting bouts of nausea when I get really hungry but my appetite is improving.  Now that I am feeling better I am really going to try and watch what I eat.  I feel so much better when I eat well and I know that it is good for the baby.  My go-to healthy meals are chicken breast and veggies.  Well those are the items that I ate when I first started getting sick and I still am having trouble getting them down.  When I think about cutting into a big ole chicken breast it makes me feel sick!  I had some cooked veggies as well (peppers, onions) and they were like eating slugs or something!  I wonder if I will ever be able to eat those items again without feeling sick.  I really hope so because they are a staple in my house! 

Now that I am feeling better I also am trying to get back into exercising.  My mom bought me some great pregnancy DVDs that breakdown workouts by trimester.  I keep telling myself that I know it is good for the baby for me to be in good shape and I have read so much about how exercising during pregnancy helps with labor and delivery and I will take all the help I can get with that. 

Now for all the good stuff:


This week was an exciting week in our lives.  Scotty and I moved out of our old house and we are now fully moved into the new house.  I have never moved an entire house before and it was, as I said, overwhelming.  My mom came down on Wednesday and we started packing stuff up.  We had about 10 boxes in the living room and I though we were never going to finish.  The next day I had to work but mom cleaned the new house for 5 hours!  She was so helpful with everything this week.  Scotty and I can't thank her enough.  We then moved over some boxes little by little that day as well as Friday and Saturday.  Then Sunday was the big move.  A co-worker of mine and her husband came to help as well as 2 interns from the weight room at the stadium came to help.  The interns (Ben and Dan) were awesome.  I mean awesome.  They did stuff without me asking or complaining and when I say stuff I mean lift and move a refrigerator, washer and dryer, couch, and much more.  They saved our butts that day.  I don't know what we would have done without them.  And as for a repayment for all their hard work...Ben's truck broke down at the new house and they had to sit and wait for 2 hours on Triple A on their day off. Best gift ever right?  Then on Monday I had my 12 week appointment (well technically I was 11 weeks and 6 days) and after that Mom and I headed back to the house to start the unpacking process.  Lets just say Mom and I killed it!  We got almost everything unpacked and in its spot!  She was saying yesterday that we should have taken before and after pictures.  The transformation was amazing. We made that pile of boxes into a functioning home.  Scotty's mom and nephew also came over and helped on Monday to unpack things and lift the heavy items.  Overall it was a team effort and we got it done! Needless to say, next time we move, we are hiring movers.

12 Week Appointment

Like I said we had our 12 week appointment on Monday.  Scotty headed out before my mom and I did to meet his mom and we all headed over to the appointment.  When Mom and I got to the doctor's office and Scotty and his mom weren't there I wondered how we beat them.  I called and Scotty said they had gotten lost.  Great.  I figured that the ultrasound would be first and I didn't want them to miss that.  But they ended up getting there right as we had gotten started so they didn't miss much. 

This ultrasound was so cool!  They did the ultrasound on my belly this time since I am further along and we watched it on the TV screen again.  A growing fetus changes so much in 4 weeks time!  We could see the round head and big belly and the little flickering heart.  It was amazing.  I told myself I wouldn't cry this time but then my mom cried and I did too.  She started to cry when this little baby started jumping around in my belly!  It looked liked it had the hiccups or something and it was bouncing around on its little butt! I couldn't believe it!  I was screaming in the room - the ultrasound lady probably thought I was crazy.  It was moving its little arm over its head and straightening its legs out.  We could see its little fist and fingers. The tech needed the baby to turn so that she could get a different picture so she was poking my belly with the wand thing and the baby started to turn over and we could see its face.  It was amazing to say the least.  It was such a relief to see that the baby was growing and to be able hear and see that little heartbeat.  We got to listen to it again and the tech said the heartbeat was loud and strong.  The heart rate was 150 this time and both the tech and the PA-C said that was great.  They both said baby was measuring right on schedule at 11 weeks 6 days.  Yay!  The tech and the PA-C also explained they were measuring the fatty area on the back of the baby's neck.  I guess with some genetic diseases that area is thicker than normal but they said that Baby's looks good and normal.  Praise the Lord for that. 

After the ultrasound we all headed in to see the Physician's Assistant (PA-C) and she asked Scotty and I a million genetic questions as well as questions about breastfeeding, circumcision, and other need to know questions.  I answered many of the questions and I was thankful that my mom was there to help me with all the family history questions.  Scotty is adopted and we do not know any of his family history so we asked if he needed any special blood testing and the doctor and the PA-C said that wasn't necessary.  The PA-C also asked us if we wanted the genetic blood test screening done that they do at 12 weeks.  Scotty and I had talked about that before and decided that we did not want any sort of genetic testing done unless the doctor sees something and believes that it would be in our best interest.  Scotty and I know that whatever the test would say wouldn't matter to us anyway because we wouldn't do anything different - so why get all worked up for the next 6 months.  Who needs that added stress? - not this Mama, I have enough.  Speaking of stress, I then had to go and have my 5 viles of blood drawn.  Couldn't they do that first and get it over with?  Geeze.  Well y'all should be so proud of me.  I did so good!!  No tears, no passing out no nothing!! I'm growing up right along with this baby!  Woo!  I know that it is only going to get easier.  I had a great nurse and they let me lay down and Scotty held my hand.  Around vile 4 or 5 I knew I was reaching my breaking point but then it was over and I got to sit with my feet propped up and enjoy some ginger ale and crackers.    : )  We then headed to check out and I got the breakdown of how much an OBGYN costs to deliver a baby. Yikes.  Good thing Scotty and I have been saving for this or we would be up the creek - or have to sell the baby to pay for the doctor.  Just kidding : )   I'm not excited to see how much the hospital is going to cost.  We made our 16 week appointment and that is just for a belly measure and to listen to the heartbeat with a Doppler, no ultrasound next time : ( no blood taking either  : )  They did tell Scotty and I that they could give us a "sneak peek" at the gender next time but Scotty and I agreed we are going to wait until the 20 week ultrasound to find out.  And just so y'all know I will not be sharing that on here until AFTER our gender reveal party so I hope the suspense isn't too much for y'all. 

So today I am 12 weeks and 1 day.  We made it!!!  I can't believe that this time next week I will be in my second trimester!  Wow! So for now I will leave you with LOTS of pictures.  Until next time...

                                                                  Baby's Face

                                                                           Baby's Arm
                                                 Baby Lounging With its Feet Propped Up
                                                           Baby and the Heartrate
                                                                      Baby's Legs
                                                                   Baby Close Up

                                                My Belly Poking Out - Ignore the Moving Stuff

 And Finally - This week is our 4th wedding anniversary! 
Happy Anniversary to my sweet husband and Baby Daddy!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 10 Belly Pictures

As promised, here are the week 10 belly pictures:

Well not much has changed since my last 10 week post.  I have had worse headaches this week and my stomach muscles are much more tender.  Things like laughing and sneezing hurt and my pants are getting MUCH tighter.  I am thinking I am going to have to go shopping soon.  My mom sent me a lot of great maternity clothes already but a lot of them are for work and I am having the most trouble with my jeans. 

We started moving stuff into the new house this past weekend.  It is very exciting and every little bit is helpful.  When I look at my house and think about all the stuff that has to be packed I just feel so overwhelmed.  But I know that my mom will come down here and get things done.  I just can't believe how fast February has gone by!  I am in Myrtle Beach until Tuesday for training and then my mom comes on Wednesday and we will be packing and moving through next Monday.  Monday (the 25th) happens to be my 12 week appointment, as I had mentioned before.  I am so excited!  Can't wait to see how much baby has changed since we saw it the last time! And lastly Thursday of next week (the 28th) is Scotty's and my (Correct English?  Sorry to those grammar people) 4th wedding anniversary!!  I can't believe how fast time has flown by!

Here is something that my sweet, sweet husband of almost 4 years wrote for me this week.  He told me that he was watching a show that talked about how important it is to tell the people in your life how much you love them and that got him to thinking about how he wanted to tell me. He gave me permission to share what he had to say.

"What I love about Jennifer:  I don't only see her as my wife, but as my inspiration to be the best that I can be, my missing piece of the puzzle that will make my life complete, the oven that will give life to our beautiful baby, my thoughts and dreams involve her 24/7, and best of all she's my soulmate!  I love her with everything I have, 100% of myself.  I am grateful I am lucky enough to spend the rest of my life with her and call Jennifer Fairfax Spurrier my wife."

Yeah.  He's mine.  I hope that other women out there are lucky enough to hearsomething like this one day.  It really sticks with you.  On the days that he is getting on my nerves for just breathing I can think about this and just how lucky I am to have him.  I love you, babe!

Until next week - thanks for reading y'all!

Scotty's Post

So I told Scotty that he could do some posting from his point of view on here as well.  They should be a good laugh for all of us.  So here is his first post. P.S. I will post Week 10 belly pictures later today.

 From Scotty:
Friday February 17th, was the opening day for the South Carolina Baseball team. For all you who haven't been to our current house, it is right next  to the baseball stadium, and we love to go support the baseball team every chance we get. Jen especially loves to go and uses it as an excuse to get a hotdog and pretzel since I have said, "you can't go to a ballgame and not have a hotdog." 
It was also a big day since they were going to honor our now Athletic Director and former Head Baseball Coach who took our baseball team to Back-To-Back National Championships and countless College World Series appearances. We knew they were going to name the street outside the stadium Tanner Way, retire his jersey and have some cool memories of our baseball team while he was in charge.
We have also been lucky enough to find another house with more space that we are in the starting phases of moving into, so Jen wanted to pack some clothes and take them out there while we had a chance. All the big moving will take place later, so this gave us a chance to get ahead.

So here is the funny part. Jen had the day off so she called me when I got finished with work for the day saying she was going to buy some boxes and to see if I could bring my truck and help her load them up. We got the supplies she wanted and got back home, excited about the baseball game and the new season. But something happened! Jen sat down at the table and all of a sudden didn't move for a while. Once I realized what was going on I knew I wanted to grab the camera since she had told me I could do a post every so often. It was like a light bulb went off in my head, like hey genius post this!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

10 Weeks: The First of Many Gross Pregnancy Stories

Week 10:  This week, after I thought that my symptoms were lifting, real vomit.  

So since I was feeling better I ordered a salad (Haven't had one of those in a while).  I was trying to be healthy.  I enjoyed my salad and an hour later was not feeling well at all.  I was sitting on the couch getting that nausea feeling and thought I would just gag.  But my instincts told me to head to the bathroom - fast.  So I ran in there and before I could hit the ground the salad was coming up.  Coming up so fast and so hard that the vomit hit the toilet and splashed up and hit me in the face!! Are you kidding?!  Good thing I got my glasses off in time!  Ugh.  So nasty.  After I got cleaned up and head out of the bathroom, my loving husband had heard me - very sexy huh? and was waiting for me outside the bathroom door with a glass of water.  He then sat me down at the table and rubbed my back.  Praise the Lord for him.  I should also mention that my husband has done or gone out and gotten anything that I have requested.  He is being a very wonderful daddy/husband/nurse. 

This week my back and hips have been bothering me more and I have had more headaches.  I am told that all this is normal.  This week for baby its arms and legs can move and its moving all around in my belly.  But being so small I can't feel it yet.  My belly continues to grow.  My hubby nurse has been rubbing belly butter on it to combat those stretch marks!  I also have been having muscle pain in my belly.  When I turn over in the middle of the night or when I stand up or move too quickly it pulls the muscles in my belly.  I'm trying to move more slowly and I think I may need to start wearing my belly band for support. 

I haven't taken my belly pictures for this week yet but I will post those when I do.

Thanks for reading!!

Week 9: We are moving!

We found a new house!  We are going to be renting a house in the Northeast area of Columbia.  We are sad to give up our current home but we are starting a new chapter in our life.  But 117 Tryon Street will always be our first home together.  We will be putting it on the market after we get moved out at the end of this month.  The best part of mom is coming to help!  Yay! And I got my doctor's appointment moved to Feb. 25th so that she can go.  Another yay!! 

Scotty and I have enlisted friends to help us move.  Technically we get the keys on February 15th and we can start to move things in then.  The house is a beautiful 4 bedroom with lots of space and a garage.  We are very excited about it.  We had many houses to look at but found this one, liked the neighborhood and the location and we didn't want to waste time looking at others when this one had all that we wanted. 

As for pregnancy, I was feeling better this week!  Which scared me.  So panicky pregnant girl came out and I called the doctor to make sure that, nearing 10 weeks, it was ok for my symptoms to start lifting.  She said it was normal.  Once again my good feelings were short lived... I got sick later that day.  So my symptoms are not gone but they are getting better.  I am not as tired and not as sick but still not my old self again.  I probably never will be though. 

Everyday I get excited about being closer to 12 weeks and its one day closer to the doctor and seeing baby again.  This week the tail is gone and the heart now has 4 chambers.  This week and next week the teeth are beginning to form.  My baby bump is getting bigger and my pants are starting to get tighter around my belly.  All the books say it is mostly bloating and not baby yet, well whatever it is stretching my zippers!
This week I will leave you will house pictures and 9 week bump pictures: 

117 Tryon Street - Our first home together

The new house!

Week 8: First Doctor's Appointment

Yay!  We made it to week 8.  Ugh. Barely.  I was still feeling awful.  I had no appetite and I was still exhausted.  I managed to go on a 2.5 mile walk with Scotty on the Riverwalk and I attended a rather difficult yoga class.  That was a big deal for me.  It took some pushing to get me to both places.  

Being a panicky pregnant girl, I continued to take pregnancy tests to make sure that baby was still in there.  So I took the two on the day that I found out and then I took two more over the next couple of weeks.  OCD much?  It was a comfort to me and I'll look back on them and smile.  

I ordered a chalkboard and chalk pens to start my weekly belly pictures this week.  I was really excited to start doing those.  

So enough with that  - on to the doctor's appointment  : )

My OBGYN is Dr. Julie Reed and the practice she is located at is called Carolina Women's Physicians.  I found that one online when I was looking for a doctor over the summer.  I liked that they were all women, they offered 3-d ultrasounds and did all the lab work onsite.  I chose Dr. Reed because she was board certified in both gynecology and obstetrics.  Yeah - I did my research.  

I had called and made my appointment right after I found out I was pregnant and I was told that they don't see people until they are 8-10 weeks so I got an appointment to be seen at 8 weeks.  Which seemed like a lifetime away at the time.  I was told that I would get an ultrasound first then I would see the doctor.  

So Scotty and I get to the doctor and we go in for our ultrasound.  We were both sooo excited but I was nervous too.  I wanted to hear that heartbeat loud and clear.  Because I was still so early they did the ultrasound transvaginally.  Not the most fun but I didn't care.  I wasn't sure if this was one of those things where the technician would do her thing and not tell us what was going on and then the doctor would have to explain or what.  So I asked and the technician said she would tell us everything and then I also realized that there was a tv screen on the wall for us to be able to see what she was seeing.  

So as soon as she started we could see the sac and the little bean in my belly.  It was so awesome!  I cried.  I was just to happy to see that little thing and its heartbeat.  We got to hear the heartbeat.  It was at a rate of 171.  Which is on the higher side, I have heard that can mean it's a girl.... guess we will all have to wait and see.  I did double check and make sure that there was only one baby in there - no more surprises please. 

After the ultrasound, we got our little wallet size pictures and headed in to see the Dr.  She said that baby looks normal size for week 8 and confirmed my due date of September 10th.  She also said that since they had heard the heartbeat that my chance of miscarriage was down to 10% or below.  That was comforting - but please keep the prayers coming for baby!!  I had a short exam and the Dr. answered all of Scotty's and my questions.  We then headed out and made my 12 week appointment which is on our 4 year wedding anniversary, Feb. 28th.  I was also briefed that they will have all of my hospital costs broken down for us to look over.  Yikes!!  and I have a 5 vile blood draw coming my way - and anyone who knows me knows that needles are so not my thing!

We called our parents and told them the good news that baby looked healthy and we told them that they could finally tell people.  We had been keeping it a secret until the doctor confirmed and it was just as hard for them to hold in the news as it was for us.  I was happy to learn 2 days before I went to the doctor that a co-worker of mine is pregnant as well and we think we maybe due around the same time.  Yay!  Someone to swap stories with. 

This week baby's fingers and toes are poking out.  They are webbed.  It's tail is almost gone.  It is the size of a kidney bean this week and I have a picture to prove that it looks just like one!

So I'll leave you with some pictures from this week:

Our baby's first picture!
Me and my new favorite photo

The happy Dad!

My first belly picture

The chalkboard up close.  Special thanks to Liz who has been writing on the chalkboard for me!

My sweet hubby!

Week 7: What happened to my energy?

Week 7.  Yep, I'm pregnant and my body was sending me all the signs.  Week 7 brought me someone else's boobs that are twice the size of mine and felt like sore rocks, the energy level of a sloth, and hangover level nausea.  But our first doctor's appointment was the next week and that was getting me through.  Scotty and I both were so excited to go to the doctor.  I just had to make through this week first.

I started gagging.  I wasn't really vomiting just dry heaving and gagging.  It was worst when I was hungry but then I felt sick and didn't want to eat.  What a mess.  Cooked veggies and chicken breast were a big no no for me (and still are in week 10).  I started to crave hot dogs.  Yum!  I got the preservative free, nitrate free, organic kind and enjoyed!  Baby books say eat what you can when you feel sick. So I did.

It took me a while to try and get Scotty to understand exactly how tired I was.  It was like I had taken 10 Benedryl and then I was trying to function.  He couldn't believe that I wanted to be in bed at 7:30pm.  I could barely hold my eyes open!  It took a previously pregnant person to tell him that it was a real symptom.  His baby books need to explain that better! 

Some perks that I was experiencing were beautiful nails!  Long and very strong nails.  Everyone was commenting on them but I could tell them the cause just yet.  I called the doctor to make sure that painting them would be ok - I read that can be harmful.  Who knew?  Same for hair dye as well.  Doc said both were fine.  So I got pampered.  

This week baby's hands and feet began emerging from the developing arms and legs.  Baby doubled in size since last week along with my uterus.  This week I gained 10 percent more blood than I used to and that will continue to increase.  I still could not believe how much happens in such a short amount of time.  It really is a wonderful, and amazing thing. 

This week Scotty and I started to discuss moving.  We had talked about it for a while and actually put the house on the market twice and did not have any takers.  But we looked around and found some we are interested in.

Next week: First prenatal appointment!

Week 6: Goodies and Getting Educated

During week 6 my mom sent me baby books!  Of course there was What to Expect When You Are Expecting and others.  She had sent me a pregnancy journal before and a book called The Mommy Diet.  So I pulled out all my books and began my baby education.  I also downloaded some apps that keep me notified of what is going on with me and baby for the week.  They even show me videos of baby's growth by week.  Technology is awesome.  My mom also sent Scotty some Daddy books too and he started to learn all about what I was going through and all the fun stuff to come...  Yikes!  Hang on for the hormonal ride Daddy!

I read in detail about all the changes that are happening to my body and baby's growth.  I was glad that I had the books and google (of course, my on-call Dr.) because I started to have mild cramping.  The books and google told me this was normal, along with backaches.  My body is changing and expanding making room for the baby.  But I thought it was early for all that - guess I was wrong.  Who knew that something the size of a pea, yes a little green pea could do all that?  Many of the vital organs have started to form, along with indentations for facial features.  Crazy stuff!!

I read about how diet and exercise are so important and how I needed to try and stay on top of those things for my baby and I both.  I thought I could do that, after all I was taking care of someone else now.  And during week 6 I did good!  I was walking, going to yoga, eating healthy, drinking lots of water.  Then when week 7 rolled around I felt like I was living in another body...

Week 5: Short and Sweet

I found out I was pregnant in my 5th week.  Sometimes I wish I would have found out later because I have so long to wait for 12 weeks.  I just want everything to be OK.  Mom worrying starting already!

After I found out I was pregnant and counted back the days I realized I was pregnant over Christmas and while Scotty and I were in Tampa for the bowl game.  The bowl game is an endless drinking fest and this one was coupled with rollercoaster rides.  Great way to start out your pregnancy.  The doctor and google said that this was fine and that many women have no clue that they are pregnant and are going about their daily lives.  The doctor said the important thing is that now that we do know that I change my ways.  So no booze and no coasters.  I am still learning all the "don'ts" of pregnancy.  There are a lot!  Like having to heat up deli meat because of listeria - gross and of course all I want are deli sandwiches.  

Telling My Hubby - January 10, 2013

Scotty has been wanting a baby for about two years now.  I would loved to have had a baby two years ago but I was finishing my Master's degree, just started working full time for the Sheriff's Department and money was tight.  I just didn't feel comfortable with it at that time.  So my husband patiently waited (kinda) until I was ready.  So when I took that test and both lines showed up I knew that I was going to have the happiest husband in South Carolina. 

So here's some backstory:

When Scotty and I had been dating for a while and we started to talk about marriage I always wondered how he would ask me to marry him. I told him that I wanted a special proposal or that I would say no. Even though I really wouldn't have, he didn't need to know that : ) So he proposed to me after the Florida/South Carolina game on the field in his football uniform in 2007. He even made sure my parents and his family were there to see it. It was perfect. Except when he almost dropped the ring in the grass - we would have never found it. It was cute though - him all nervous. So anywho, when we started talking baby he said that I needed to come up with a special way to tell him, a text wasn't going to cut it.  So I had begun brainstorming ideas and came up with something that I wanted to do.  I had told a male friend that I told about Scotty wanting something special when I told him I was pregnant and the friend told me that I better get all my stuff together for it because it was going to be too hard to hold in while trying to gather all my supplies and boy was he right!  Not to mention, babies can come unexpectedly...  

So the morning that I took the test I took it alone while Scotty was still sleeping.  I really did not think that it would be positive because as you recall there was no way my cycle tracking math could be wrong... I even packed another test in my bag and took it when I got to work just to double check!  As both lines appeared on the first test, my jaw dropped and I began to tear up.  I was so surprised and excited and it made me so happy to think about how happy Scotty would be.  It took all I had not to throw open the bathroom door and wake him up waving my pee stick around.  But I respected his wishes and began to plan out my reveal.   

Scotty had also told me that he wanted to be the first to know.  I had some plans that required help and he did not want that because they would have had to been privy to the information.  That morning I had a family doctor appointment to go over some blood work results and I was wondering if baby would have shown up on there.  It did not but the doctor did start asking me about my cycles and regularity and I had to tell her that I was late.  Her next question, "have you taken a test?"  Well you can't lie to the doctor, so I told her my news first.  She was very excited.  I felt guilty that I had told her but I knew Scotty would understand.

So I went to work holding in my news (so freaking hard!) and at lunch I ran to Wal-Mart (didn't have what I needed and I started to burst at the seams, thinking you should have had the stuff already) then to Target, got my supplies, drove home and woke my sleeping, increadbly sickly husband.      

That week Scotty had just come back from a Coach's conference in Nashville and he was so sick!  He may have had the flu or it was a really bad cold.  He had a very high temperature and was sleeping all day and all night.  I was thinking, "how in the world am I going to get him to go along with my plan?"  Especially since it involved him getting dressed and leaving the house. I come bursting in the house with gatorade and soup, which was my excuse to come home at lunch since I normally do not.  He was sleeping soundly on the couch.  Poor thing.  I woke him and I told him that I had been planning something for a while that could only happen that day at a certain time and I couldn't cancel it and that it required us leaving the house.  He slowly got dressed and got his shoes on - then I added "you also have to wear a blindfold" and I thought for sure he would be back under those covers in a minute.  But he said ok and went along with it. 

I led him to the car and I drove to the stadium and he said he thought he knew where we were.  Um yeah - you drive here everyday.  The plan was to drive him around town first so he didn't know but I wanted him to get back home ASAP to rest.  So I lead him into the stadium (seen by one person, uh oh - our secret will be out in no time) we head out on the field and I knew he knew where we were for sure then.  I handed him his coffee cup that I had minutes before stuck the sticker letters D-A-D on and my plastic baggie of two pregnancy test in his hands and proceeded to read a poem that I had written him.  It was something along the lines of finding out he was going to be a great dad in the place that I had said yes.  Our engagement spot had now become our "I'm pregnant" reveal spot.  As he realized what the poem said, he ripped off the blind fold and said "are you pregnant?"  and I nodded and said yes with tears and pointed out to him my tests and his mug.  He grabbed me and almost squeezed the baby right out of me.  He was tearful and laughing and so genuenly happy and so was I.  Little did we know that all the football secretaries were watching us from inside.  Sneakies.

We then called my mom and told her.  She knew as soon as I asked her to step away from her desk - not normal. We called my dad and asked him to step out and it's a good thing we did because he screamed with delight.  We later told Scotty's parents - his dad said he already knew - probably those sneaky secretaries and his mom cried.  We were so excited to share our wonderful news.

We then went home and had a few sips of sparking cider.  I asked Scotty if he had put together what was going on and he said that he thought, "is she pregnant? But we haven't been trying."  Apparently he doesn't know how bad my math is either.  He said he was very surprised about the baby.  I also told him that I had to tell the doctor earlier that morning and he was very understanding, as long as he was the second person to find out.  I then put Scotty back to bed on the couch to heal and I was headed back to work still hiding my news. 

So that's how I told my hubby.  I think he was pleased.  But I think a text would have been fine as long as it said I was pregnant he would have been happy.

P.S. Its now a standing joke at the stadium that Jen and Scotty do kinky things on the field with blindfolds - haha very funny.   

Here is me and my two tests (I needed to be sure before I told Scotty) on the day I found out!

Scotty and I after I took him to the stadium and told him the big news!  He has my tests and his Dad mug.

We're Pregnant!

Welcome, welcome everyone!  I am a beginner at blogging but I have known for a while that I wanted to have a blog to document my pregnancy and keep family in the loop about my progress, and now that the time has come to start one I have been very behind.  I had no idea how tired I was going to be!  Growing a human is hard work! 

Currently I am 10 weeks pregnant.  But I am going to give you the background story (not the good stuff, hehe!) then I'll post from the day I found out to the current week. 

Scotty and I had decided back in June 2012 that we wanted to start trying for a baby.  I had done the math and I figured out that by trying in September and October that the baby would not be born during the football season.  I know some people think that we are crazy for basing such an important and uncontrollable decision around football but for those 6 months my husband is never home.  Literally.  And I kinda would like him around for the birth and to help change diapers and such.  Not too much to ask I don't think.  So in June I stopped taking my birth control, I found an OBGYN and had a check up, I found a family doctor and had a check up there as well.  Overall, I am a healthy girl.  Yay!

I started to track my cycles and ovulation so that we would have a pretty good prediction when we were ready to try.  So we tried when September and October rolled around and it wasn't our time.  We were sad but we knew that May 2013 (our next time that baby would not come during the season) would be here before we knew it.  I continued to track my cycles and as the pill left my system my cycles started to change.  Just a very little bit - a day or two here and there.  Well when January 10th 2013 rolled around I figured out just how bad I am at math...

I was a week late.  Which never happens to me.  I decided to take a test even though I though my cycle tracking was on point...Surprise!  I was 4 days off.  That's all it took apparently.  Baby Spurrier is on the way!  I was elated!  It was the most wonderful surprise I could have gotten.  So I counted back and found the 4 days that I had miscounted, found my most likely conception date, and calculated my due date - September 10th 2013.  Just as football season is "kicking off."  Perfect.  But we have prayed about a baby for a long time and the Lord thinks this is our time!  Shows how much you can plan and try but things will work out how He sees fit. 

So there's the basics.  Next post: January 10th 2013 - telling the hubby!

Thanks for reading y'all!