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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week 9: We are moving!

We found a new house!  We are going to be renting a house in the Northeast area of Columbia.  We are sad to give up our current home but we are starting a new chapter in our life.  But 117 Tryon Street will always be our first home together.  We will be putting it on the market after we get moved out at the end of this month.  The best part of mom is coming to help!  Yay! And I got my doctor's appointment moved to Feb. 25th so that she can go.  Another yay!! 

Scotty and I have enlisted friends to help us move.  Technically we get the keys on February 15th and we can start to move things in then.  The house is a beautiful 4 bedroom with lots of space and a garage.  We are very excited about it.  We had many houses to look at but found this one, liked the neighborhood and the location and we didn't want to waste time looking at others when this one had all that we wanted. 

As for pregnancy, I was feeling better this week!  Which scared me.  So panicky pregnant girl came out and I called the doctor to make sure that, nearing 10 weeks, it was ok for my symptoms to start lifting.  She said it was normal.  Once again my good feelings were short lived... I got sick later that day.  So my symptoms are not gone but they are getting better.  I am not as tired and not as sick but still not my old self again.  I probably never will be though. 

Everyday I get excited about being closer to 12 weeks and its one day closer to the doctor and seeing baby again.  This week the tail is gone and the heart now has 4 chambers.  This week and next week the teeth are beginning to form.  My baby bump is getting bigger and my pants are starting to get tighter around my belly.  All the books say it is mostly bloating and not baby yet, well whatever it is stretching my zippers!
This week I will leave you will house pictures and 9 week bump pictures: 

117 Tryon Street - Our first home together

The new house!

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