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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week 8: First Doctor's Appointment

Yay!  We made it to week 8.  Ugh. Barely.  I was still feeling awful.  I had no appetite and I was still exhausted.  I managed to go on a 2.5 mile walk with Scotty on the Riverwalk and I attended a rather difficult yoga class.  That was a big deal for me.  It took some pushing to get me to both places.  

Being a panicky pregnant girl, I continued to take pregnancy tests to make sure that baby was still in there.  So I took the two on the day that I found out and then I took two more over the next couple of weeks.  OCD much?  It was a comfort to me and I'll look back on them and smile.  

I ordered a chalkboard and chalk pens to start my weekly belly pictures this week.  I was really excited to start doing those.  

So enough with that  - on to the doctor's appointment  : )

My OBGYN is Dr. Julie Reed and the practice she is located at is called Carolina Women's Physicians.  I found that one online when I was looking for a doctor over the summer.  I liked that they were all women, they offered 3-d ultrasounds and did all the lab work onsite.  I chose Dr. Reed because she was board certified in both gynecology and obstetrics.  Yeah - I did my research.  

I had called and made my appointment right after I found out I was pregnant and I was told that they don't see people until they are 8-10 weeks so I got an appointment to be seen at 8 weeks.  Which seemed like a lifetime away at the time.  I was told that I would get an ultrasound first then I would see the doctor.  

So Scotty and I get to the doctor and we go in for our ultrasound.  We were both sooo excited but I was nervous too.  I wanted to hear that heartbeat loud and clear.  Because I was still so early they did the ultrasound transvaginally.  Not the most fun but I didn't care.  I wasn't sure if this was one of those things where the technician would do her thing and not tell us what was going on and then the doctor would have to explain or what.  So I asked and the technician said she would tell us everything and then I also realized that there was a tv screen on the wall for us to be able to see what she was seeing.  

So as soon as she started we could see the sac and the little bean in my belly.  It was so awesome!  I cried.  I was just to happy to see that little thing and its heartbeat.  We got to hear the heartbeat.  It was at a rate of 171.  Which is on the higher side, I have heard that can mean it's a girl.... guess we will all have to wait and see.  I did double check and make sure that there was only one baby in there - no more surprises please. 

After the ultrasound, we got our little wallet size pictures and headed in to see the Dr.  She said that baby looks normal size for week 8 and confirmed my due date of September 10th.  She also said that since they had heard the heartbeat that my chance of miscarriage was down to 10% or below.  That was comforting - but please keep the prayers coming for baby!!  I had a short exam and the Dr. answered all of Scotty's and my questions.  We then headed out and made my 12 week appointment which is on our 4 year wedding anniversary, Feb. 28th.  I was also briefed that they will have all of my hospital costs broken down for us to look over.  Yikes!!  and I have a 5 vile blood draw coming my way - and anyone who knows me knows that needles are so not my thing!

We called our parents and told them the good news that baby looked healthy and we told them that they could finally tell people.  We had been keeping it a secret until the doctor confirmed and it was just as hard for them to hold in the news as it was for us.  I was happy to learn 2 days before I went to the doctor that a co-worker of mine is pregnant as well and we think we maybe due around the same time.  Yay!  Someone to swap stories with. 

This week baby's fingers and toes are poking out.  They are webbed.  It's tail is almost gone.  It is the size of a kidney bean this week and I have a picture to prove that it looks just like one!

So I'll leave you with some pictures from this week:

Our baby's first picture!
Me and my new favorite photo

The happy Dad!

My first belly picture

The chalkboard up close.  Special thanks to Liz who has been writing on the chalkboard for me!

My sweet hubby!

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