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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week 6: Goodies and Getting Educated

During week 6 my mom sent me baby books!  Of course there was What to Expect When You Are Expecting and others.  She had sent me a pregnancy journal before and a book called The Mommy Diet.  So I pulled out all my books and began my baby education.  I also downloaded some apps that keep me notified of what is going on with me and baby for the week.  They even show me videos of baby's growth by week.  Technology is awesome.  My mom also sent Scotty some Daddy books too and he started to learn all about what I was going through and all the fun stuff to come...  Yikes!  Hang on for the hormonal ride Daddy!

I read in detail about all the changes that are happening to my body and baby's growth.  I was glad that I had the books and google (of course, my on-call Dr.) because I started to have mild cramping.  The books and google told me this was normal, along with backaches.  My body is changing and expanding making room for the baby.  But I thought it was early for all that - guess I was wrong.  Who knew that something the size of a pea, yes a little green pea could do all that?  Many of the vital organs have started to form, along with indentations for facial features.  Crazy stuff!!

I read about how diet and exercise are so important and how I needed to try and stay on top of those things for my baby and I both.  I thought I could do that, after all I was taking care of someone else now.  And during week 6 I did good!  I was walking, going to yoga, eating healthy, drinking lots of water.  Then when week 7 rolled around I felt like I was living in another body...

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