Welcome, welcome everyone! I am a beginner at blogging but I have known for a while that I wanted to have a blog to document my pregnancy and keep family in the loop about my progress, and now that the time has come to start one I have been very behind. I had no idea how tired I was going to be! Growing a human is hard work!
Currently I am 10 weeks pregnant. But I am going to give you the background story (not the good stuff, hehe!) then I'll post from the day I found out to the current week.
Scotty and I had decided back in June 2012 that we wanted to start trying for a baby. I had done the math and I figured out that by trying in September and October that the baby would not be born during the football season. I know some people think that we are crazy for basing such an important and uncontrollable decision around football but for those 6 months my husband is never home. Literally. And I kinda would like him around for the birth and to help change diapers and such. Not too much to ask I don't think. So in June I stopped taking my birth control, I found an OBGYN and had a check up, I found a family doctor and had a check up there as well. Overall, I am a healthy girl. Yay!
I started to track my cycles and ovulation so that we would have a pretty good prediction when we were ready to try. So we tried when September and October rolled around and it wasn't our time. We were sad but we knew that May 2013 (our next time that baby would not come during the season) would be here before we knew it. I continued to track my cycles and as the pill left my system my cycles started to change. Just a very little bit - a day or two here and there. Well when January 10th 2013 rolled around I figured out just how bad I am at math...
I was a week late. Which never happens to me. I decided to take a test even though I though my cycle tracking was on point...Surprise! I was 4 days off. That's all it took apparently. Baby Spurrier is on the way! I was elated! It was the most wonderful surprise I could have gotten. So I counted back and found the 4 days that I had miscounted, found my most likely conception date, and calculated my due date - September 10th 2013. Just as football season is "kicking off." Perfect. But we have prayed about a baby for a long time and the Lord thinks this is our time! Shows how much you can plan and try but things will work out how He sees fit.
So there's the basics. Next post: January 10th 2013 - telling the hubby!
Thanks for reading y'all!
This blog is such a wonderful idea! Really helps those of us that can't be there every step feel included. Everyone is so happy/excited for you both.